Are these supposed to be reset and doable every time DMF is up, or are they still monthly, even though DMF is now every two weeks? Was looking to get 5 levels of both cooking and fishing again, but they are not there. Or did Blizzard just do another “woopsie” and forgot to add them?
Edit: I also can’t turn in my 250 Grisly Trophies that’s been collecting dust in my bag for two weeks.
Yep, the monthly reset thing definitely happens. When they moved the last faire to start a week early the quests reset and were available again on the last day, which was 1st June. Now they’ve changed it to every 2 weeks I’d expect the qs should reset with each time the event starts, but it seems, as usual now, Blizz rush things through without checking everything hangs together.
Has there even been a blue post to indicate whether this is intentional behaviour or just an oversight that they’re looking to fix, cos the same thing is happening this darkmoon faire?
I don’t think we’re gonna see anything fixed or stated about Cata classic right now since SoD P4 just launched. It seems very obvious to me that Blizzard can’t maintain several versions of WoW at once.