The Protagonist of the Last Game You Played, Book You Read or Film You Saw

It’s Rand al’Thor, but he might see the Moiraine vibes in my mage and ultimately learn to trust her after a brief period of distrust, so I think she’ll be fine.

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I am on my reread of wheel of time, so depends on which protagonist, but either way since I use the first name of one of the villains for my current RP main, it’s safe to say there would be fisticuffs.

Now since we are on Azeroth, I assume we play by my rules. The dragon reborn may be ridiculously op, but as far as I know he has 0 rating in pvp.

I whoop his butt.

Just rewatched Frieren recently since it came on Netflix and partner hadn’t seen it.

Chances are higher no fight would happen. They’d both start nerding out together about their encyclopedia of practical spells…
And probably get both munched by a mimic, but it’s worth it because detection spells are not fully accurate and this 1% chance of it being a magical artifact is plenty worth it !

But if they fight… I’m sure Frieren might take Khee’s very exuding Void energy as being that of a demon, and thus aggro on sight. And then… We’re bound for a very destructive time.
Afterall, Khee is deeply inspired by her !

The Dragonborn…

I have no idea, maybe all my characters together could beat him!

I’d rather share a drink at The Blue Casket than fight Manny Calavera.

Man has a scythe, and he likes to keep it next to where his heart used to be.

Rather the Dragonborn than the Nerevarine.

The Dragonborn can’t make themselves an immortal flying god that shoots nukes.

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A vague form takes shape as Desartin stares at the portal in front of him, which soon begins to grow taller and taller while aforementioned portal also expands to accomodate the shadowy figure’s size. Upon fully materializing, the figure turned out to be a robotic contraption, though far beyond the capabilities of any goblin or gnome. Even the mighty Fel Reavers of the Burning Legion paled in comparison to this machine.

And the sight of this enormous robot, blue with yellow flames, and with what seemed to be a goblin-like hot-rod for a head, was the last thing the paladin would see.

They’re both basicly Divine, the Dragonborn goes to the afterlive and beats dragon-Satan :dracthyr_shrug:

Nothing you can do in Skyrim without cheating approaches an alchemy abusing wizard in Morrowind.


Brötherposting is the best.
I will raise my cup of evil mountain dew, bröther!

I’m about to show my Level 12 Orc Barbarian that the Void is far more terrifying than the Absolute or the Illithid Empire.

Henry of Skalitz
I am afraid tht guy is just too hungry to be defeated X)

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Joseph Joestar could.

John Carter of Mars… vs. Jai’are of Mathystra… okay, then. I am worried. No, I am not – Azeroth has Earth-like gravity? If so, then I guess it’s actually not even a fair fight. Barely an inconvenience :sunglasses:

chaos bolt

Also Goku Wins

What is a pathetic little chaos bolt against someone that is just flat out immune to death and also in control of space and time?

Nah i’d win

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The arguments of those not in range of a chaos bolt


On Monday, he ate through one gnome. But he was still hungry.
On Tuesday, he ate through two dwarves. But he was still hungry.
On Wednesday, he ate through three humans. But he was still hungry.
On Thursday, he ate through four nelves. But he was still hungry.
On Friday, he ate through five trolls. But he was still hungry.

Nah sorry Mitcha but unless you are a nice green leaf you are done for tbqh.

The last game I played was KCD2 and Henry has to come to see us.


If Webtoons count…

Dokja Kim attacks my OC, convinced this is yet another scenario. He wins, all according to plan.