The Protagonist of the Last Game You Played, Book You Read or Film You Saw

…suddenly appears through a magical portal fifteen yards in front of your character, intent on fighting them.

What has irked them? How does the fight go down?

the very hungry caterpillar?

I think my characters got a fighting chance.


You can look up many top 10 secret boss lists and find how fighting The Hitoshura goes down.

(I was playing Shin Megami Tensei 3 where he’s the protagonist, but he is a secret boss fight in Digital Devil Saga 1)

Demi-fiend’s on a mission to go fight god and any of my characters are just in the way.

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The weird dead eyed meeples of Foundation are very unhappy with the number of recent thefts in the town of Goosecaster.

Jenit simply runs away. The townsfolk are not that fast.

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Frieren heard there’s some knockoff version of her running around and decided to pop through a portal to see if this so-called “clone” has even a speck of real mana or if it’s just a monster mimic. (Given several people have noted the protagonist gave them major Acrona vibes for a reason or another)

They stare at each other for a long time, and then Frieren disappears as mysteriously as she appeared, leaving our girl thoroughly confused what that was all about.

Only gotten to episode 10 of the show so far, as it aired on Netflix this week.


And unfortunately for me, HE FEELS QUITE HUNGRY.


Well… uhm…

Well, I think my character might have just rezzed the Reapers back to threaten the Galaxy for no reason at all.
And as of the survival rates?

I think my character ends up terminating herself. Shepard has quite the charisma to trashtalk people so hard that they just put a bullet in their heads.

And its sad that Shepard is now on Azeroth… he wanted to have his home on Rannoch with the best engineer of the Normandy.

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Well I’ve been playing a lot of Monster Hunter World meaning my roster of cowardly or otherwise pathetic characters is going to face off against somebody who fights giant dinosaur dragons for sport and is proficient with fourteen different weapons

I think every one of my characters is cooked.

I guess Clive FF16 decided all the orcs in Waloed weren’t enough and wanted to add 1 more.

I don’t think one needs more than cursory knowledge of how final fantasy power escalations tend to go to know the outcome of a final fantasy protagonist vs standard orc warrior.

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The Deliverer from the Painted Man series…

Sorry, but the Director’s upper hand on him would be the fact that he has a gun. Ain’t gonna stand a chance against a man who knows wards, spells, part demon, and is able to skate beneath the soil to cover ground.

106 from Trepang2.

Kuwei immediately gets slide-tackled out of invisibility and blasted to bits with shotguns akimbo.

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Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves.

I guess Kevin Costner doesnt like bipedal wolves/bears? He may shoot an arrow, or two, or three before he gets trampled by my characters werebear form. Or it could be a quarterstaff duel, making it much more equal.

Just hope Kevin doesnt smack Dastren below the belt…

…So is she just fighting Frank Reynolds, or are the rest of Paddy’s Pub ganging up on her too?

Either way, I suspect it’ll be an easy win.

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Cyberpunk’s V so uh.

safe to say im getting folded chooms. maybe its the knock off night city lifestyle, either way im getting merced by a cyberpsycho


“Abelard, introduce me to this peasant in ancient armor.”

I got no idea what I did to piss of the von Valancius dynasty, fella probably thinks I’m some shining Warp entity.

I think I bubble+hs, I ain’t about to test my strength against a bolter rifle shoved in my face


Apparently my Wrathguard got drunk and then stole his car and killed his dog while I was logged out.

Long story short, he had to reload and he just couldn´t dodge that many fireballs and melee attacks at the same time :stuck_out_tongue:

Dimensions are sundered, the veil between realities torn apart. As an unfamiliar figure sets foot upon the unsuspecting lands of Azeroth, an unlikely defender stands in the way - an eredar demon. Why have they come? What drives them to violence? The world may never know, but the battle will endure in song and myth for ages to come.

As the invader charges into the fray, it lets loose an ominous battlecry:

“Sul sul!”

(To be honest, I don’t like the odds of that particular Sim. Even in the Sims 4 they were stalked by death more often than not, and this just seems like a recipe for an untimely end.)

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I’m not fighting frieren, I’m just going to lie down.

Merida has heard that there’s a whole race of renowned archers, and is looking for a challenge after defeating all contenders in Scotland.

She and Lintian compete in archery, and Lintian loses; not only is she simply not as good as Merida, but her archery skills are becoming progressively rustier ever since she picked up arcane magic. Before they part ways, Lintian points Merida to the champion of the latest archery contest in Ashenvale.


GAR’THAN CORPSEBURNER: The green creature stares at you through the shadows cast by a tattered hood. Yellowed teeth contort into a grin as you instinctively flinch.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Legendary:Success] The creature before you, green-skin over malformed muscle, appears to be something akin to an ‘Orc’, from the fantasy novels.
SHIVERS [Easy:Success] Somewhere beyond this place, far beyond the City, orange plains of dust-covered hills conceal a cave system. There is nothing Holy about them, and yet its denizens pray to idols as if it were a church; green fire crackles on a stone brazier. Evil. Plain, old, evil.
YOU:I am so lost.
GAR’THAN CORPSEBURNER:Here - have this, human. It will make it better.” The creature offers you a bone cup, bubbling with some green, ooze-like beverage.
ENDURANCE: Drink, bröther. You’ll be a /Cönqueror/.