The PvP stat and why it's needed

You forgot to mention that with a PVP stat, we won’t need a scaling system operating in the back. It would make it possible to be transparent as to how much damage/healing people deal and receive.

In BFA, the scaling system wasn’t just a complete mess, but it wasn’t transparent at all. Not only did gear differences often feel obsolete, as the damage you dealt was based upon the enemy’s gear and barely on your own.
So if you spotted a target, which had a very low level of max health, it would often feel like you were hitting them with a wet noodle, and the game did nothing to explain why your weapon suddenly became a wet noodle.

I’ve always loved PvP and never liked PvE. The only reason I touch PvE, is for the gear. I can’t help but wonder, if there’s only a few like me or if there’s a lot.

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PvP don’t need gear. They need normalization (without templates).

Basically, you enter a PvP instance, you automatically have a fixed amount of health and power (attack, healing and spell power).
Then your secondary stats kicks in but your total secondary stats is fixed.
Any borrowed power/ability is disabled (including trinkets from PvE).

Problem solved.

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So almost no power progression as you gear up? :confused:

You don’t need it, do you ?

Well, as a part of the RPG aspect, it feels great to experience the growth of your character. That includes in the PvP aspect.
Sure you get stronger, as you get more experienced with your class, your abilities and PvP as a whole.
But experiencing the feeling of being able to fight longer without dying, or being able to take down one, then two and in the end three enemies in a row in open-world PvP is some of the best memories I’ve had in WoW (I took a break from MOP to end of Legion).
But those memories are all from Vanilla, TBC, WotLK and Cata. None of those are from BFA.

EDIT: The most boring part of leveling right now, imo, is that the mobs scale with you. So despite the fact that you level up and get stronger, each mob gets stronger at the same pace. So the difficulty when fighting the same mob never changes.

Maybe, but as far as “e-sport” PvP is concerned, the only correct solution is no gear progression in PvP.

Quick analogy: winning 10 chess matches don’t suddenly gives you an additional queen at the beginning of the eleventh match.

edit: regarding mobs scaling while leveling. Personnally, I think it’s great. I like that feature. It keeps the content relevant and allows you to do whatever you want in whatever order you want.


I get where you are coming from. Guild Wars 2 had this (apart from WvWvW) called structured PvP (SPVP), where they had one item giving stats, which was the neck and all gear you chose was free before you entered a match.

As an e-sport, I completely agree with you. I just don’t see it as such. I see it more like a physical sport, where your skills and awareness, as well as teamwork, become more refined, but your physical capabilities also increase with the training (you become faster, stronger and build upon endurance).

EDIT: Can’t the same argument be said about PvE, though? Remove stats and rely on player skill only?

Wow isn’t a physical sport. At least not until they invent some kind of weird VR that forces you to run around and stumble on everything in your room.

Regarding PvE, I made a suggestion a while ago… Multiple times actually. Basically, keep levels but they only provide new abilities and the leveling phase only serves to learn about your character.
Regarding the gear, make it neutral. In other words, if it gives you +100 rating in one secondary stat, then it gives you -100 in another one. Gear no longer gives stamina or power (strength/agi/intellect).
However, gear provide passive/active effects. So you build your character around the abilities gear gives you. That’s the borrowed power.
You cannot enter mythic raids with gear from older extensions (that way it kinda works like standard seasoned cards in hearthstone, you know).

With that… No need for new mechanics every single extensions, the items provide that feature already.
All the content become relevant for everyone. If you loved that ability a piece of gear from vanilla used to give you, good news, you can now use it!

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I don’t know. It reminds me a lot about Guild Wars 2, where you capped your gear progression quite early and after that, I never really realized how I could progress my character after that, lost interest and ultimately quit the game.
PS: I am aware that expansions have come, but I am not sure if or how it has changed upon that.

There are bigger problems than just having pvp stats in shadowlands.

Just do like in MoP where PvP gear got stronger in PvP and weaker than PvE gear for PvE.

The solution is simple but blizzard probably has to re-invent the wheel again.

The reason is that Blizz wants PvP to be a side activity to PvE so the idea that PvEers would get destroyed by PvPers due to not having resilience is apparently bad.

This will sound a bit selfish, but i am not a PvPer and i want there to be a PvP stat. In SL there will be conduits that are obtained from PvP or PvE, now blizzard have said that there will be a clear seperation between the two to be viable for their respective types of content, i do not trust blizzard to pull trough on this and actually balance it this way. I dont want to see the same situation like in previous expansions where PvPers are forced to PvE and vice versa. I know that this is nowhere near what PvPers have gone trough, but getting C&E and BotE for me was one of the most dreadfull expiriences in this game.

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