The real reason Blizzard won't add double dps 2v2 shuffle

hunters mark?

Great 1 spec has a tool to deal with him. Overall you’ll see Rogue/Mage, Rogue/Huntet, Rogue/SP, Rogue/Destru and maybe Rogue/Boomy or Feral. Pretty “diverse” bracket…

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i find it harder to balance heal games tbh…for 2v2 dps you only need to nerf high-burst high-defensive classes like sub rogue burst, frost mage self-healing double block etc. For heal games they need to balance both dps and both healers which is harder

they wont add it because only certain classes excel in double dps, like being an ele/boomie vs a hpal who can jst bubble and faceroll you down for example or how bad ww would be or even dh

Cuz hes a tank player.

No, really. He really is that guy who queues shuffle as a tank:

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