The reason why nobody heals

i heal shuffle at 2k mmr and cr i go 2x 3/3 lose mmr then after i win 4/6 ad get 0 cr
so i heald 3 games for what ?


Its because blizzard not understand concept of healing in SS, its more heal to not lose than heal to win. There is draws you need to sweat for them…

List of problems:

Main problem there is, if enemy healer have -1 ratting less than you, system consider him as easy target and demand you to win 5:1 , which is unrealistic, because in reality even -+200 ratting is not noticable much.

System is very win streak hungry which is also unrealistic

If you have draw games versus people with less ratting than you , your MMR drop so when you win after draw streak you gain almost no ratting, so feeling of progress to nowhere is very big.

Loses 0:6 are capital punishment

I very offten had situation when I play for 3 hourus, doing well, wining humbly +15 , +20, than one black swan game for 0:6 and baaam -75, all 3 hours of progress gone in just one game. This also add toward feeling of progress to nowhere.


you kept your subscription running. That’s all blizz cares about


I don’t know why people still don’t understand it.

Healer by design are there to enable dps ques and allow them to gain rating.

Your job is to help other people being able to play and progress, with the illusion that you can also progress.

Just accept it and decide if it’s worth playing for fun and get your rating rewards for free in blitz bgs instead ( like it’s literally more free than TSM in worlds )


Tried 100 rounds as healer, hpala. Mmr even is not a problem for healers. I’m lazy to check what is actually now, but in df s4 there were much more holy priests, than all 3 hunter specs combined (meanwhile mm was most popular spec in soloq)

Imo real problems are:

  1. Idiotic healing mechanics. Holy light/flash heal, regrowth, healing surge, monk’s laser mist does 0 healing without procs. In normal expansions casting healing benefited compared to all instants.
    But even now instants only heal if something procs.
    Holy pala melee wings is something else, armpit fetishist designed this spec, cause u r not even healing from melee wings, like it was in normal expansions before
  2. Extremely awful healer balance. In old expansion (even sl is now old). You could still go above 2.4 in 2s/3s as bad spec
    Now I faced 2.6 rsham (3s xp since s1 of bfa and until now), who destroyed my nooby hpala. And it’s his real xp, because I won’t believe 2k player will place in los stun totem + root totem. Perfectly time in 0.1 to move, stun and root. Run with sprint and then cast hex, on top of that i had no trinket. Good aggressive play, by good experienced player, i dont smell here 2k
    Or, for example, druid, who reshifted on rep casts entire shuffle, check-pvp him, 2.6k 2s/3s since legion/bfa until now, definitely 2k player

And I notice this, but what about real 2k healers? Do they like to be destroyed by experienced healers on main spec? No idea how those 2 could play good, almost 3 min games, and still have 50% win rate with a lot of games. I bet if I’d inv them on my dh/surv hunter for 2s, we would skyrocket to high mmr

  1. Fast games with fast damp. I’m mostly green geared, but I think it still affects when u r fully geared.
    u cant on cd run and use cc, u cant win by afk healing because it depends on dps
    2-3 mins games healing with red eyes and running for cc only when it’s important and u used deff cd on dps is ape mechanic.
    Remember Drainerx? Who carried people to 3k in 2s playing healer? That’s because games are long, and healer abilities, beside deff cds, did something meaningful
    It’s still 2s, but it will work in 10-15 min games with healer who does good mana management, cd management and who runs for cc

mmr system are fine, not perfect but ok. Just healing is not for weak :smiley:
Only it would be good (and maybe motivating) to get some reward for example if You heal like 1000 games get some amazing healer only mount, enchant etc…

I play holy priest and after 1000 rounds i managed to reach 1.6. I m very happy for this plus when i meet players like you I enjoy destroy their game when in the same team and make them lose points. I lose points too but i dont care, 1.6 is good for me. WHat matters is multi glads to be punished.

Highest rated healer is rank 66 on the ladder. 100 Rating under the highest dps

Second highest healer is rank 82 on the ladder

Guess its skill issue for them. Dps player are just better

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The reason why I don’t heal is because my class doesn’t heal anything.

Pls buff it already blizz it has been 4 months what data do you need? It sucks in every single game mode lol

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Healing in shuffle sucks because:

Dps goes 0/6? happens all the time.

Healer goes 0/6? i can count the times on 1 hand in my last 100 matches.

because you are playing a fotm braindead easy healer spec (hpal) and they are playing harder specs that arent as forgiving

the higher XP healers you are facing are on 2k because they have less control over the outcome of the game - if they win or not

e.g if those ppl played your Hpal on the same level, they wouldn’t be 2k

they are just stuck on lower ratings because of bad tuning

and by the same logic u will have less rating if u play a harder healer than hpal

There are pretty much no holy priests now. BM hunters have almost 7x more than there are holy priests on 2100+ in shuffle.

Holy priests are the healers with the lowest rating along with shamans.

Priests are one of the most popular healers, when holy is good the people playing disc goes holy. When holy is bad and disc is good, people go disc priest instead.

When disc is good and holy is bad it leaves few people playing holy priest. There’s few that actually stick to only one of the specs. I’m one of those that stick to holy because I hate how disc plays.

Even after the buffs to holy, I still feel like I’m weaker than pretty much every other healer, because holy word cycling is absolutely awful. You have next to no healing outside of them, people regularly normal hit abilities for more than what a flash heal heals for. Like, please? Why do my heals do so little?

Last shuffle I played my flash heal did an average of 450k on casts.

The warrior’s average mortal strike was almost 700k, normal hit. LIKE, HELLO? Why is my flash heal healing less than a normal hit from an ability on average. How am I supposed to heal the damage of 2x dps when an ability like mortal strike alone hits more on average than my flash heal? I can’t just keep spamming serenities.

Holy is wholly undertuned, in both PvE & PvP, even after several buffs. Our spammable heals do nothing. The rework in 11.1 does nothing to adress this. It’s so stupidly tuned that it’s not even funny, it must be intentional. I don’t understand why we even have renew still, it does nothing, not even with the new talent in 11.1.

They could buff several of our abilities by several hundred percent and they still wouldn’t be something we want to press.


That’s because game is designed for rng, blizzard thinks rng is fun, even in pve (that’s why competitive for pvp and pve dead since df). You will only heal when something procs.

Every healer in this game have no control over the game. Like on pala you cannot always run for hoj, u getting cced, swaped and needed to press cds for yourself. It’s even bad to rush for cc. If blizzard wants competitive solo content in this game, they need to redesign every single spec for it. Otherwise just remove blitz/shuffle

The only reason at lest for me to cast renew is to get 6% healing buff. If that talent used in holy tree.

couldnt agree more. long time holy spec fan, but the current gameplay and new hero talents are just garbanzo in comparison to other healers. the holy spec feels like a reverse destro warlock at this point - you have you holy “chaosbolts” - serenity, and outside of serenity window, you have weak fillers that do nothing.
still don`t get it why they deleted the knock back ability, and dont give holy some defensive one, there are tons of variations in DOTA for example - the aghanim ability of the keeper of the light for example - Will-O-Wisp = would be great ability for defense and offense use in pve and pvp…

The math doesn’t check out on it. You lose healing by casting it instead of just casting another heal. You rely on prayer of mending proccing renew to get it up.

most healers doesnt even know what to do so idk

a draw means theoretically youre exactly where you should be so there shouldnt be point distribution to the up nor downside if your mmr equals your rating

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and most dps do ?

No, no they don’t. Fact is most pvp games are full of people who either don’t know how to win or don’t really care about winning. This applies to all roles…less so healers mind you.