what has happend too you? omg xD I would of thought stalin was your irl garrosh hero or something?
I need time to adjust to this new Erevien we’ve got going on here
what has happend too you? omg xD I would of thought stalin was your irl garrosh hero or something?
I need time to adjust to this new Erevien we’ve got going on here
Erevien got Allianced! It’s quite fascinating honestly.
yeah, thanks to Chruschtschow whom openly denoucne his rule as one of terror.
which is still today the case, still many in russia thinks the sovejt union wastnt taht bad, or its better as modern russia, thats whey Mr. P tried to re establish the glory of teh former union and why stail, is till meoroized and honord
Imagine if the same thing happen to trump? And he just suddenly started to make sense and became really competent like this.
Like no joke it would be hilarious if trump did a complete 180 and suddenly became a super good politician out of no where xD
Because I am done being unhappy about the game, if I have to be alliance to enjoy this story somehow so be it.
can you not be happy as horde? Unless they win over the Alliance? Does it -have- to be that way?
As long as they will kill Gallywix and inventing mediocore leaders for the remaining races no I can’t be happy about that sorry.
Isn’t it better… that the horde has a council now… Instead of a single warchief that leads it to war and loose lore character all the time though?
No because all remaining leaders are sad losers who simp for Anduin and Jaina. My LFD leader is a badbutted fighter who fought the Legion for ages and will give us a glorious future.
What would the oppesite be? You say they simp for jaina… But the Horde got conquered and defeated by the Alliance… And the Alliance just basically let them go during the battle for Orgrimmar after garrosh was defeated.
In that sense can’t you say the Alliance where simping for the horde as well? I mean they had them by the balls. and could have dismanteled the horde permanently. But they let them go despite being invaded by the horde 5 times i think now? xD
We have the first war… the second war. I supposed the third war was Garrosh strictly speaking… and the fourth great war between the Alliance and the horde was battle for Azeroth… So 4 times the horde have invaded the Alliance and waged war upon them… And 4 times the Alliance have just slapped them on the wrist and let them go…
If the tables where turned you know the Horde wouldn’t let the Alliance off that easily… So who is really simping for who here?
You just answered your own question now.
Nha its just… A horde victory would mean the total domination of the Alliance kingdoms and citizens… Meanwhile the Alliance beat the horde. and basically just let it go xD
So one could argue the Alliance is simping for the horde more so than the other way around. If the horde had won the wars. there would be no such thing.
I can root for no of the replacement leaders. They aren’t even the best of their races they are simply those who aren’t dead. And that is NOT good enough for any stories. So I switch to the winning team with a great track record of always showing up in quests and cutscenes without being shamed for existing.
I wouldn’t call them that personally… Thalyssra… Lor’themar and baine are all cool lore leaders. And i am kinda invested in their story.
I wish Thalyssra was more and got more dialouge and story beyond just being Lor’themar’s girlfriend though.
Elisande, Doomhammer, Kael’thas, Gallywix, Sylvanas, Cairne and Vol’jin. Those were the actual best and why they were chosen. Now they are all gone so I have no reason to stay.
The conspiracy theorists would have a blast.
Also what’s a good politician? They are all rotten, you can’t make it up there unless you are their kind.
Eh, yes and no. While politicians certainly are a class of their own (A pretty malignant one), you can actually find some that aren’t so terrible, but you gotta be lucky to have them actually get in office and actually keep their word.
I think Trump’s actually the only politician you can point at and call him an “Honest bullshooter”, as in yeah he’s hyping things up a lot, but at least there’s a genuine authenticity behind him. Kinda why he is so popular. Then there’s also that president from Argentina who slashed funding for most government functions and I hear the country’s doing better economically for it.
When Garrosh mistreated the Blood Elves getting them to do various risky things, they refer to the previous time of mistreatment, ie Garithos. He’s not glossed over but he really doesn’t need a bigger presence in the game. He has not been deleted. There is just no need to idolise a xenophobic human who is already deceased before World of Warcraft starts. He’s from Warcraft III.
It’s part of the history behind the game but he’s not relevant now.
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