The removal of the AH Brutosaur

Doesn’t force me to buy the tokens, cause the model is not of my taste. :sweat_smile::+1:t5:
Dodged this one, blade dance OP

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I support Blizzard a lot when it comes to choices, but oh WOW, am I totally against this very sleazy decision. EXTREMELY bad move Blizzard…Not everyone can earn 5 million to purchase the mount before the end of expansion.

I saved myself around 1.5 mill towards it. Was very happy that one day I will be able to have it for myself. Now? You have destroyed all hope for everyone wanting to eventually buy it one day who loves collecting mounts.

5 million IS NOT easy to make. For me I would say another 2 years. I don’t have the time to play the Auction House like some. But would have been nice one day. With it being placed on that Auction House, especially being on Argent Dawn, the prices will be off the scale. At least double or triple the cost of it now.

I say we all get a petition to have their decision overturned.


Stop whining. If you care so much for it farm and get it. You have until late Summer

haha i should put i450 tank on market “will do your M10s for gold will bring 35k plus overall dps and positive attitude”

or should start selling drawings of peoples warcraft characters for gold, but considering my IRL rates, that would be a bit too much. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Out of curiosity, how much would you charge and what do they look like?

actually I cant draw fantasy - but I guess I have 1 year time to learn it, hahaha :frowning:

But Few doodles

I have Brutosaur already and I’m on fire now. Now ppl will have it even cheaper on BMAH.

Even cheaper? The price later can probably reach 10-20 millions for sure!

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Yes even cheaper. Ppl rarely go above 200k on BMAH.
BTW 10-20 millions? The maximum you can carry is 9,999,999 :wink:

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Orcs are poor, don’t have any clue about money. Anyway, the Brutosaur will be a special mount and extremely rare, I’m sure that the prices will be higher than before.

What’s wrong with removing hard to acquire mounts? Because in next expansion when it is so much easier to acquire, it lessens the showing-off that you can do if you got the mount while it was difficult to get.

This costs 5 million gold I hear, yes? So in next expansion when you get half a million gold reward from each quest turn-in, everyone and their mothers can afford the mount. If you take it away then the people riding the mount are the ones who got the mount when it was hard.

I have seen alot of outrage in past few hours about this, but I don’t understand. Whats the problem?

I see it as the “cutting edge” and “gladiator” level of accomplishment for those who have gold farming as their in-game focus.

In that regard I’m ok with it.

If some people feel pressured to invest into tokens to get it, I’d seriously urge them to think otherwise and spend their money in more beneficial ways for themselves or their community.

Drakthul seems to be a dead realm or something ? Because the 7-8 realms where I operate with my army, i see things go in millions.

I used to do that, but it was hard finding an audience who wants furry & my little pony characters in … well wow lol

Still can’t believe how well that went in runescape

It is almost full server. Millions? Any evidence? I haven’t seen a single item go above 1,2m

What evidence you want ? Did I screenshot that paladin T3 or something, no. Warior and paladin T3, seen those random loot boxes go 700-800k, and so on. Seen that stupid looking guitar go for plenty.

It really depends on items. And if you think longboi in Blackmarket would go for 200k, then you are either a generous optimist, or full blown pessimist.

Well why cry…

Just buy it now before is gone.

Eazzzy :rofl::joy:

If you want you can add me me on bnet Rain#23452
What about bet? I bet this mount won’t go above 2 millions on BMAH.
If so, I give you 2 millions in golds. If not, you give me 100k :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately I intend to skip 9.0 :face_with_raised_eyebrow: - because I am fed up of seeing Sylvanas blasted on my face 24/7. But I might get back to you in 10.0, when I come back and start working on forum trust 3 again :smiley:

Forum trust 3 again? Is it only temporary?