Drakthul seems to be a dead realm or something ? Because the 7-8 realms where I operate with my army, i see things go in millions.
I used to do that, but it was hard finding an audience who wants furry & my little pony characters in … well wow lol
Still can’t believe how well that went in runescape
It is almost full server. Millions? Any evidence? I haven’t seen a single item go above 1,2m
What evidence you want ? Did I screenshot that paladin T3 or something, no. Warior and paladin T3, seen those random loot boxes go 700-800k, and so on. Seen that stupid looking guitar go for plenty.
It really depends on items. And if you think longboi in Blackmarket would go for 200k, then you are either a generous optimist, or full blown pessimist.
Well why cry…
Just buy it now before is gone.
If you want you can add me me on bnet Rain#23452
What about bet? I bet this mount won’t go above 2 millions on BMAH.
If so, I give you 2 millions in golds. If not, you give me 100k
Unfortunately I intend to skip 9.0 - because I am fed up of seeing Sylvanas blasted on my face 24/7. But I might get back to you in 10.0, when I come back and start working on forum trust 3 again
Forum trust 3 again? Is it only temporary?
I find it juvenile to even show off things like mounts and what have you.
Just ride what you like and wear what you like. Half of my characters look like vagrants riding the Outland Windriders because I like those.
I have a fair amount of things that would bring me this “Prestige”, but I don’t use them because they’re ugly to me or I don’t want to ride them.
And even then no one I meet worships the ground I walk on, so why bother?
I doubt you care enough to even understand the problem.
Yes, it is measured by your actions past 100 days. Once you fall out of it (i.e. get forum silence; don’t pay sub etc) - it gets reset for the 100 day period again. And so it back tracks from it again. So you’d need to be active on forums for 3 months to get it back.
That’s bad actually…
Those look good man!
I really took courage like 4 months to post them. As doing elves, and all this is very hard for me. And Blizzard fans are very demanding in a way. But am glad you liked. I’ll have few plans for making cow versions of wow lore characters for Trust level 5 thread, and Cyberpunk neltharion.
Wait, are some of you saying that the mount can go on sale UNDER 5 million on the auction house? I will be honest, I have not been that Auction House in AGES, but I doubt it will go for sale UNDER 5 million!
I’m not a fan of removing things, because they are usually something worth working towards in the lul between the content. This is a weird upturned logic of forcing you to do specific content at a specific time because of the Fear Of Missing Out and I hate it with passion.
It’s ok having a limited number of items that are unavailable come next expansion, but they should be known from the start. Good examples are mage tower and the last boss mount.
I just don’t see the point of this. Unless we’ll be making mountains of gold easily in Shadowlands, this mount would still be quite prestigious, even without being removed.
I don’t understand the point of removing this either.
As with the Yak and the Mammoth, I bought those years after they were released. I was expecting to buy the dinosaur as well a few years down the line. Guess that is not happening. It’s not a loss, but I view it as rather pointless taking it out.
As many others, I assume it is to gain token money(or they regret adding the auctioneer to it), but sorry, I’m not buying anything to obtain this(nor will I grind my way to it before it’s taken out). I just think it is a crappy and pointless choice removing it.
It will likely be (close to) goldcap since it will be much more rare and harder to obtain.
If it is because of the Auction House upon the mount, why not remove the Auction House at the end of the expansion? Keep it 5 million, but those that purchase it AFTER expansion will not have the Auction House. This allows those that enjoy collecting mounts and want to have a big dino without the need of the AH.
This, this, this!!
Just remove or change the npc on it, you could put a tmog and a vendor for all I care.
What I find most annoying is that there is no other brutosaur mount…