The return of 2 handed frost DK and Enhancement shaman

how so i’m merely stating the answer that will be most likely

I was just wondering about the slightly passive agressive posts with a pessimistic outlook. :smiley:

when you played the game as long as I have you seen dev teams come and go but one thing remains constant they don’t really care what the community wants

it’s always their “vision” however flawed and if that conflicts with what you believe the game should be well to bad

Can’t speak for DK, but in the case of enhancement, what would making 2h enhancement a thing entail? Does it mean viability or just that it can at least function with it’s spells?

Because I don’t want to see them try to make 2h enhancement a thing worth actual consideration in endgame, dual wield in TBC was the best thing they ever did to the spec.

Sure, make it playable with 2h, but I dont want them to make it as good or better than dual wield.

so it seems that most people would be happy with a tmog option and that would be fine with me

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