The road after hero

After vanilla i got stuck in the this game seen so many digital pixels but always found some fun to keep playing. There is always a play get reward feeling where i always could find something i wanted to get… now my point…

When you get Veteran gear you can easy upgrade to champion gear. Also a very easy step with normal weekly quest of delvs.
When you wanna upgrade those champion gear pieces you need hero items… those can also drop from delvs maps weekly quests and so on.
But to max out hero gear you need to do MYTHIC RAIDS or high M+ keys.

MYTHICS RAIDS are so hard to find these days… its very special if you find one you can join one or you can stay in one and play the mythic content.
high M+ keys… sorry i said high well does not matter what keys you have want of ppl you wanna play with M+ is a very toxic place to be.
You need to have booster IO scores or meta class you stand out if make them even wanna look at you in the queue.

So even those easy to get hero items are never gonna be fully used… unless…
PLEASE BLIZZARD give us hero content to finish the upgrades on a hero piece
PLEASE BLIZZARD give us normal ways to play M+
There is so much frustration ingame the game realy gets toxic if you dont have the IRL backup to teamup with!

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