The Roleplayers Desired Changes/Additions to WoW Thread

It would be cool if they just did like in Cataclysm and turned a section of the city into a properly laid out zeppelin and other air vehicles airport.


Yeah zeppelinport would be cool.

The reason I specifically said no harbor was cuz the Horde already has Bilgewater Harbor, Bladefist Bay and Echo Isles (that those and many other racial capital cities on both sides deserve an upgrade is a whole different story tho).

idk how to tell you this twili but orgrimmar already has a harbor and has had one for over a decade

I miss a dark, atmospheric Drag :pensive:


Kind of funny how they just lapidated it and turned the rock they lapidated it with into an airport in the revamp.

That gif of Willem Dafoe looking up at the sky but it’s the Warlocks and the Shattered Hand seeing Gazlowe drop an airport on top of them.


The Roleplayers Desired Changes. And Blizzard laughed.


Can’t you let us dream?

There is comfort and reassurance in hopelessness. The serenity that comes with certainty.

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I support these ideas!
While PVPers, Raiders and PVEs do bring in the audience, many also leave when the current content is well done and they mostly return for the next patch or Expansion.
While Roleplayers still remain long beyond the current patches lifecycle.
Those Ideas are great! Sure some are better than others like yay for Player housing and definetly an Orgrimmar and Stormwind rewamp!
But a nay for the steam like stuff due to the different styles that could happen.
But overall a giant:
Yes Please!
Dragonflight so far had many good stuff for Roleplayers and Charakter looks, its a good start.
Oh and definetly reduce the Toy Cool down it takes the fun out of the toys themselves.
(and the Vulpera tent)

On topic of the Vulpera tents. Make the Draenor tents usable across the whole game, not just Draenor.

Even if they make it so the stat bonus you’d get from them is removed outside of WoD zones.


Hide rider toggle for mounts.


Umbra Crescents and Sentinel’s Glaive available for Night Elves, please!


:clap: u :clap: p :clap: d :clap: a :clap: t :clap: e :clap:

:clap: S :clap: I :clap: L :clap: V :clap: E :clap: R :clap: M :clap: O :clap: O :clap: N :clap:


Give Glaive appearances to 1h Swords for Warriors and Rogues


Never do those things the nelf playerbase hasn’t earned it


Upright forsaken would be neat, standing up straight after casting off the yoke of their god-queen.


Update Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon, Bilgewater Harbor, Echo Isles, Ironforge, Exodar.

Make Suramar and Highmountain hostile to Alliance (and proper Horde capitals), and friendly to Horde, after you have done both the questlines of Legion + moved on to Battle for Azeroth (or any expansion story after Legion).

Make Mechagon hostile to the Horde (and a proper Alliance capital) after you have done the questline of Battle for Azeroth + moved on to Shadowlands or Dragonflight.

Make Shadowforge friendly to the Alliance (and a proper Alliance capital).

Return Gnomeregan and Gilneas to the Alliance as capital cities to counter Echo Isles and Bilgewater Harbor.

Give every capital city Auction Houses, Banks, Transmogs, Barbers, Portal Rooms, basicly full functionality of Orgrimmar and Stormwind. (Exceptions are Telogrus and Vindicaar because of lack of infrastructure and size).

Remove the restriction of only your Allied Race bieng able to visit Telogrus or the Vindicaar and give it to the entire faction. (This won’t work for Suramar and Mechagon cuz they’d be faction cities in game).

Make Crapopolis and Kezan available for Horde players (to compensate for Shadowforge), make it a Horde capital.

Make the Lost Isles from the goblin starter zone available for exploration for both factions, same with that ogre isle from the new starting zone.

Move every raid and dungeon that is lost in the capital city overhaul to the Caverns of Time.

Give the Caverns of Time a new layout with multiple caverns going differenr way depending on which Expac. So first cavern on your left after arriving at the main entrance is old vanilla dungeons/raids, second is TBC, etc etc.


Only idea I fully support
give us back the classic style dungeons, that were removed or revamped as cavern of time, with the old loot table. (for transmog reasons)

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I would like us to be able to go to islands from island expeditions from BFA like to anyother zone, ideally without mobs or anything, maybe just have an npc that you can talk to to pick island and go RP there with friends and whoever else you might meet there.

Also as much as i love modding community in other games, mostly singleplayer though, I can not stress enough how bad idea it is for WoW. Blizz sometimes like to disregard WoW’s art style, but in majority of cases keep it consistent, but out of all the game communities, I would trust WoW’s twitter based there is no good word to call them the least to not take the art style and game overall down the drain. Blizz may do bad decisions all the time, but the less say does the community have in most matters the better in WoW’s case.

But that said if you want some of these to have at least the tiniest chance to be seen, you have to post on NA forums, ideally in some feedback or community council sections or whatever. Blizz doesn’t look at EU forums at all, not to mention AD forums specifically, we only have the absolute worst “community management” or “forum moderation” in human history in here. Many of the ideas in here are really good and some even realistic, so it wouls be a shame if they just gathered dust here.


Blizzard please Just introduce that no sharding “RP mode” that puts everyone who got it turned on in the same shard, similar to the the “Warmode” that we already got for PvP.

That’ll solve so many issues.

Not alone it would be a really effective solution to whenever Blizzard feel it necessary to shard otherwise dedicated RP zones, like for instance when they think RP’ers rather want to do Diablo promotion event for a month straight than do what they actually pay their subs for, to be able to RP, but also it would seriously bring down distracting OOC people, and likely bring down the amount of RP griefers and trolls as well.