The Roleplayers Desired Changes/Additions to WoW Thread

Interesting…a private RP space. Do you think that player housing could provide the same experience?

Those two words unfailingly conjure images of abandoned city after abandoned city in mmo upon mmo, the population long since fled to curated instances and RP only avaliable by invitation and interview to ever shrinking social circles hostile to one another over lore disagreements or just plain chafing egos of maladjusted shut-ins who build their private fiefdoms to compensate for all that life won’t give them.


That’s a run-on sentence.

And it’s there every time reminding me of RP servers long lost.


Nope, like I wrote I want the islands to be just like any other zone so you can run into people there. I very much agree with what has been said about player housing being very bad idea for world RP.


I want to transmog guns on Priests / Druids… but alas… It makes little to no sense to do that so :c

nuns with guns?


Hitman called, they want their NPCs back.

warhammer called, they are saying cease and desist

I do think every race should have like 1 weapon type they can equip regardless of class.

My vote is dwarves and hammers.

Let me mog a 2h mace on my wildhammer hunter bliz plz.

EDIT: Night elves can all equip bows, maybe?

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Easy one; Night Elves and (War-)Glaives.


That works too.


Ofcourse that works; Night Elven characters have been wearing (war-)glaives since Vanilla. Including a Cenarion Warden in Silithus!


Is clearly wrong, since not every NElf can wield a bow, apparently. (imho Night Elves should be able to wear everything after 10k years :smirk: )

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I just want guns for priests because my priestess has a rifle… and a shotgun… and two pistols… and a box of grenades…

The best part is that everyone just gave her guns, they’re just like “Awww look at this adorable defenceless priestess, here have a Spas-12 with dragonbreath rounds.”


Yeah, but the priestesses of Elune with their bows and the sentinels with their bows is also kinda iconic to nelves as well.

On that note, all elves passive weapon should be warglaives since 3 out of 4 of them also have an iconic glaive.


I intentionally forgot the Priestess of the Moon and the Sentinels in War3 also using Bows, since that was the last time they used them; afterwards it was mostly (War-)Glaives.

But big agree, if we do throwbacks to their origins; Bows and Glaives should probably be almost equal weapons. esp. now a days!

While racial weapons sounds like a deeply horrible idea when pondered anywhere beyond the most surface level, the talk of bows does resonate with a longstanding issue that I’ve been yammering about at times:

How in gods name is it still the case that there are three weapon types that only one class can actually use? When is something else finally gonna make use of bows, crossbows or guns?


I’m more looking at it from a t-mog PoV.

Like yeah, i can equip a bow/gun/xbow on a rogue or warrior, but I can’t use it and I cannot need on one if it drops.

I literally just want to be able to mog a 2h mace on my dwarf survival hunter because she is currently a wildhammer without a hammer.

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I think at this point transmog restrictions should be lifted, mail characters need to suffer by wearing Mail… what a punishing existence.


Speaking on racial weapon passives, imagine being a tauren mage and you can’t use the totem weapon because its a 2h mace.