The sad state of pvp

No, you clearly have no reading comprehension abilities whatsoever.

See that’s a great response and very typical. You have no arguments. You misunderstood everything and then you resort to “you just suck” That sort of behaviour is also one of the reasons pvp is at an all time low. Ill duel you any time of the week. Also you’re one of the most botted classes ever so I can’t really judge ur skill can I? another great non issue about pvp…

That’s not what I’m saying at all. How can you be so dent? Again, learn to read.

And i’m not playing at 1200-1600 I just play because that is the fastest way to get gear and usually when I get to around 1200-1600 im fully geared and I don’t see the point of playing anymore as I couldn’t care less about arena’s so I quit and play the modes I enjoy.

because a skill capped fanboy wouldn’t know? Just being willfully ignorant and playing dumb again.

And again, if you don’t see all this crap is preventing new players to try out the mode and keep players invested in them I guess we will see you here again when the modes are completely ruined and no ones playing them anymore and instead 30mins queu you have 1.5 hours queu. wich apparently for you are no issues at all…

You seem to have no problems with wow pvp at all atm and are oblivious for the issues even streamers and r1 are talking about.
Venruki said it’s becoming to bloated, guess he just needs to learn the basics of his spec and stop making conspiracy theories. They even talk about it in the literal skillcapped vid that this topic is about and here you are pretending it’s not issues at all.

Man i swear i’m trying to understand you but you keep saying the same things over and over without making any sense, even tho i try to understand you. I think you jsut over this game.

This entire quote is you blaming people who worked for skill capped. I swear you are dellisional

And this… End of discution there is none with you, and ur getting annoying.

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Citation needed.

But you can surely detect if someone is a bot or not, and then judge their skill.

So you are posting on an arena forum that you don’t care about arena after gearing up, ok.

These streamers, along with the general pvp populace agree that MoP was the best expansion ever, and that was more ‘‘bloated’’ than Dragonflight.

I don’t feel pvp is dead at all, on a downlow yes, but dead? 3v3 up untill 2k have like 30 sec max que. RSS q has been averaging about 20-25 minuts for me. Maybe had a 40 min q once, but that was the highest.

No one is getting 1.5 hours ques.

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:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Dude you’re 1600 Ret. You suck but it’s fine. Only 35% people are higher rated. Just deal with it and approach it. I read your elaborate but nothing makes sense there. You’re clueless and you’re blaming Skill-Capped for your failures. You are bringing some botting into discussion that makes it even funnier

You do. You’re 1428 rated at the moment in RSS with negative winrate. It clearly means you’re not even doing your damage right. Most likely you’re keyboard turner, clicker or you do your rotation completely wrong. That’s how people in this bracket play. It’s fine because everyone started at one stage and played like that but blaming Skill-Capped for it is funny. I can promis you that if Skill-Capped didn’t exist you wouldn’t be higher raither nor more players would play the game. The only people to blame here are Blizzard emplyees.

What macros? If you really want to spread some weird propaganda then check the facts first. These macros that you’ve seen in the last video are talked through by the community for months. Palumor and Ven talked about them the most.

The only problem of the game is lack of inflation and people not being to break their peaks and before you say something mr wiseman people like Raiku and many other rank 1 players (skill-capped content creators included) are fighting for. They want more inflation so more people play. You’re absolutely delusional and you blame non-existing things for failure.

No that’s not me blaming the people at skillcapped at all. I just found it funny that people have been pointing out certain issues for years and no one of the streamer or yt community gave it any attention. they just kept going. Now the participation is so low now all of a sudden all the issues are getting attention. How is that blaming skillcapped for the problems the game has? The only thing you could say that i blame them for is not making videos about these issues sooner… I think skill capped is great. I just think the amount of addons,modifiers macro’s etc are getting too much. The system needs a revamp because it’s not attrackting any new players. that’s all but all you people getting your panties all in a bunch because god forbid someone disagrees or has different view

Okay?a duel seems perfectly fine reaction if someone says you suck? or not?
Also I love duels. Didn’t realize pvp would offend pvpers lol sorry
So saying someone sucks because disagreement is normal for you people but when I say okay lets duel then Im annoying LOL

Im from the Netherlands lets go come at me with your real life threats becasue we disagree about a video game. message me in game for adress lol
yeah this behaviour is acceptable… to you people But god forbid someone wants to duel someone in a game after they say you suck xD

you mean I misunderstood ur threat wrong because it’s hard to tell sarcasm without sound or /s? Okay…
and follows up by more ad hominems and makes me rewthink my life lol
all because a disagreement about a game xD
No wonder pvp is dying with this attitude

If you talk about yourself then finally I agree with you

Excuses and victimhood looking for people to blame. Good you didn’t blame aliens or white priveledge.

It was so absurd that’s hard not to think it’s sarcasm.

No im talking about issues everyone is talking about atm even pve channels like bellular. But you keep ignoring reality and are apparently only offended because you think i’m attacking or blaming skillcapped or something. You resort to insults and threats over simple disagreements about a video game. If anyone here needs to rethink his life its you.

No you’re not. Nobody besides you is blaming Skill-Capped or any imaginary macros. The issue exists but it’s lack of inflation, ability bloat, community being spread among versions of the game. Not skill-capped or even a single macro.

What are you smoking and can I have some?

There’s a literall skillcapped vid abut the issues at the top of this thread. I point out the same issues and all of a sudden it’s excuses and victimhood and aliens and whatever you make zero sense.

But skill-capped video is on point. I was saying the same things as they say since season 1. If you check my forum posts. Mobility and macro cc is bloated and it’s no secret. Neither macro or skill-capped has to do with it but devs and design built around M+

I agree the skillcapped vid is on point. My only complain was that they didn’t make these vids sooner as people have been pointing out thse same issues for years now. That is all.

Because it’s not their main content. They rarely comment on meta as it’s not in their business. There were many situations where players who were criticizing Blizzard didn’t get alpha or beta. They earn money on the game. First time they criticized the game last expansion.

That’s wrong. The issue that popped out this expansion are different than previous expansion or two expansions ago. The main issue is inflation that last expansion happened and highest ratings were 3700+ while this expansion there are 5 players above 3k so everyone’s rating is lower. People who improved and play better than season or two ago sit at the same rating so they lose motivation. Even though you’re better you don’t push your CR.

Many of skill-cap contributors make tweets or videos on their own on their own channels and accounts. You just have to follow them on X.

I mean I 100% agree. But that doesn’t change the fact that many players have been pointing out the issues that never got any attention till it was too late…
WoW pvp needs new players that’s just facts. and if those players are completely new or come from pve modes I don’t care. It just needs more players but it’s not attractive for new players at all due to everything mentioned. Again I’m not blaming skillcapped i just found it funny how they never took the comments serious from casuals untill it started to affect the game modes they enjoy playing…It’s the devs fault and blizz fault no skillcapped. I love skillcapped I just wish they could focus on class guides and positioning etc and didn’t have to waste time making guides on how to make macros and use third party software and set it up like this n this. That stuff should just be part of the game and shouldn’t be such a mess imo.

pvp is dying cuz people dont get free rewards anymore

it´s like a mass of peoples dont got to work, until they getting paid for more money per hour

the mass of peoples what want the free rewards dont play until they can get the free stuff again, which means that pvp have currently less players than in previous xpacs

what means at the end a mmr change/deflation, so players what played in previous seasons on 2.4+ are 1.9-2.1 now, and farming the “newbie timmys”

it´s just because we dont have enough player currently

solo shuffle was the best example, really really big participation in season 1 when it was a free elite rank for everyone, now it´s even more deflated than 3s

wont happen, why should a young player, playing wow instead of dota,csgo, league, which has more girls, higher chance that your effort is worth when u want to make money with it, etc

blizz just should make pvp for the current playerbase, and should do everything possible not to lose them, and bring some players back what are playing currently other games, or just wotlk/sod

was in Legion- early bfa like this, cuz classes where not overloaded with 1000 micro things and mods

I’m completely with you on this, and i hope they change something in the next xpac

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yeah I quit at the start of Legion because I didn’t enjoy playing my classes anymore ( and because WoD was so horrible it wore me down) came back half a season BFA didn’t like the randomness of the pvp gear and the disrespect for players time. SL same I came back for 1 season but didn’t like the legendary garbage and all that crap. No one needs legendary underpants or a pair of socks like wth lol.
And you’re right. no new player would find wow pvp attractive compared to the other options. Wich is a damn shame imo because the actual combat and how your character moves thru the world and fights with other characters is just unmatched by any other game imo. It’s the best of the best. It’s just so smooth and feels so good.
But no new player (specially the younger generations) wants to play 20 years of catch up… IMO they missed a golden oppurtunity with the sword in silithus. They should have just be like okay, azeroth is dying were going to freeze it in time and we all travel to a new planet where everyone will start at lvl 1 AKA WoW 2. I think it’s also just a case of being a victim of their own succes. If a game runs for so long and a world get so big it’s gonna be riddled with issues. I mean if they keep this up, soon every zone will have 5 different timezones and what not. everything is getting ridicilous and too overwhelming for new players it’s not just pvp. I agree with everything you said tbh. I just keep hoping for more new players but it’s just wishfull thinking…


Posting on the WoW forums because I care about WoW and love the wow combat system. I love pvp. I personally just don’t like arena’s that much but I do want it to be a succesful and fun game mode for players… as more players and more pvp means more activity in general… Didn’t realize I needed a certain amount of arena’s or rating before I am allowed to freely express my opinion?

I loved MoP. When they announced it I was afraid it was going to be the expansion that made me quit but I absolutely loved classdesign in MoP.
I wouldn’t call that talent bush we got instead of a tree more bloated than DF I am currently looking at my UI from WoD wich was pretty similar to my MoP one and I use half the amount of bars I do now. Maybe I’m just misremembering but I can’t really remember having any issues with MoP being bloated at all…

Again. reading comprehension, you should learn it. I am not blaming skill capped at all for the issues WoW pvp has… I know you’re still crying because you think someone blamed your favourite yt channel but I like skillcapped I am not blaming them… Look at how many soloques I played on my paladin. I can assure you, I am not even 1600. And I have no problem admitting I am bad at arena’s as again, I don’t really like them. I just did soloqueu them as they are available and I had never played them as I quit playing wow a few times for long times… after I got geared I did a few more matches so I could send boxes to my newly boosted 70 healer. That’s it. No intention to play more as don’t need it anymore and couldn’t care less about rating as I cba redoing my entire UI. Now you on the other hand are obvious a try hard. and still are not very high… what exactly is your excuse for being so bad? and why talk all that crap and then hide your character on armory? So with zero effort I get almost 1600. I even tried a few on healer just to see what it’s like playing as healer and managed to hit 1500 before ran into problems because no clue what to do as healer lol. And here you are mr die hard arena pro with 1900 rating and only got above 2k in the season they gave it away free. I’m truly impressed. You keep asking what macro’s are broken and then you say they already talked about it… so you know damn well what macro’s are broken and my point is that macro’s and third party software and all that crap shouldn’t be needed for wow pvp as it’s making it inaccessible for new players, and without new players pvp will eventually die out…THAT’S the problem… And to clarify again. It’s not skillcapped faults that macros exist in the game. jeezz

You say I’m delusional when you say stuff like

Like really? Can you really say with a straight face, That’s the ONLY problem of the game?
That’s only part of the problem and I agree they should fix it. as they should fix all the other problems…
But no point in further debating with you tbh as you call me delusional whilst they’re literally talking about in their video’s like wth? can you even pay attention? apparently not so take care and enjoy, cheers

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