The same mistake... again?

I do too, but the core of a MMORPG formula is [gear] > [skill]

Legion brought a lot of rage to the PvP system, because suddenly people had to rely on skill.

The community wasn’t ready for that.


The question is more do we want to outgear tier 2 when we played tier 1? We get every 6 months new content, that should be new. I am not sure why this is such a problem, actually.

At least with less differences we could keep all raid tiers more or less relevant for whole expansion, not do and forget content, it’s just sad how all those raids are forgotten because they give no upgrades, and toxic world quests are giving better rewards than even mythic tier 3… i understand need of progression, we all want to have stronger and stronger characters, but earlier content is trash too fast, maybe Blizzard should introduce ilvl scalling in older raids so they would be closer to current tier, not the same but let’s say for BFA standards 15ilvl less? then maybe they wouldn’t be halls of forgotten memories.

The problem with keeping older raids relevant is that you have to choose the raid that is relevant. Since when you choose uldir, you get gear there and will outgear BoD. So the challenge of BoD is gone. You destroy next tiers that way.

Not sure why WQ’s are toxic. Emissaries are on mythic ilvl previous tier. But it is not outgearing current tier.

Uldir Normal is 350 ilvl, so when BoD is introduced with 385 ilvl from normal, Uldir can scale up to ilvl 375 (dependant of your current ilvl, exactly as world quests work) and so on, so if you have no luck getting this 385 trinket from BoD you can try to get another trinket with 375 ilvl from Uldir which will be scaled to your overall ilvl, raids have weekly lockout so there would be more incentive to do more of them, rather than 1 and alt + f4 till next raid day.

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The problem is a bit we all already have that 375 trinket from uldir, since we played that raid for half a year.

Problem is, the whole contept of heroic dungeons has become obsolete with Legion and scaling. At first they were the hard versions (which is now mythic), then it morphed into the max level easy versions… but now normal scales up to max level as well, so having heroic for dungeons makes no sense anymore. I guess the only difference is that you won’t be grouped together with people are leveling which makes it somewhat more likely to trade gear, but I don’t think that’s reason enough to keep it.

But when Uldir was current you could get that trinket only at 350 ilvl because 350ilvl was current and true for this raid for that moment, but when new tier is introduced then all scalling is starting to work and everything that was capped at 350ilvl before can now scale to 375, win-win imo. Ofc you can say it’s a pain to get the same items just for the sake of having them with bigger ilvl, but in all honesty that’s what we do, item is having different name but it’s all about more stats.

Becouse they have to fit LFR between them.

And how does that fix this?
I mean, it could be an interesting change. With new tier-releases scale previous tiers higher, but below the new. But that is a different discussion or suggestion :slight_smile: We are still getting 4 times the amount of HP.

Sure, but the difference between someone with Uldir items and Ny’ alotha items wouldn’t be 400k hp, but around 80k at max, the difference would be noticable but not black hole in between like we have now. Shadowlands is starting with people hitting for 150 damage for example, i can bet we will finish Shadowlands hitting for 2k easily, that is gap i’m talking about.

Edit: all these stats squishes, ilvl squishes , level squishes prove only one thing, Blizzard is making too big gaps between tiers, that they have to go back with all this.

I can see what you mean. And i understand this point of view. I do think blizzard is actually doing this on purpose. They want everyone to have a new 6 months of new gear progression (so, scrap everything previous). I do not think blizz likes it that we already look at font or coral trinkets of previous tier. So it is sort of game design descision (it is on purpose).

But i do understand it is unfortunate old stuff is obsolete. I would ‘kill’ for having some legion dungeons still.

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Thank you for understanding, i’m like any other player, i have own wishlist for the game :slight_smile:

With current scalling mechanics i wouldn’t throw this concept out of the window, fingers crossed :wink:

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So what?.. I don’t care.
Lvl and stat squishes do not give you cooties, or make your weiner smaller.

Mistake? I don’t think so. They want that every step in gearing will be harder and harder to force player play more and more. Plus grind this, grind that, login for this e.t.c.

When it comes to pvp I just play different games xD

because u’ve ignored mythic dungeons? Lol.

or u forgetting Mythic dungeons are the highest dungeon format excluding M+?

and this.

From what i see on beta the ilvl gap has been difficulties reduced from 15 to 13.