The same mistake... again?

It seems the devs learned nothing from two item level squishes and one level squish.
Shadowlands HC dungeons: ilvl 171
Shadowlands raids: ilvl 200+.
Why, oh why, put ANOTHER massive gap between HC dungeons and normal raids? Why recreate the problem that led to the squishes being needed in the first place right after ANOTHER soft-reset?
I haven’t been paying much attention to this but seeing that one post on wowhead makes me think they will force themselves to repeat the squish every other expansion… if WoW lives that long.
The pessimistic part of me would blindly guess that fresh 60 will be at ilvl ~130-ish so there’s another massive gap for no reason at all.


HC dungeons are intended for use after you reach max level and want to transition from outdated leveling gear to better one that then allows M0 and alike. And it’s repeatable with auto LFG system so it can’t be that good.

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because despite what people claim, most dont raid for the challenge or because they enjoy doing so its all about item level

that being said, hc dungeons are not what they used to be and mythic0 took that over for whatever bizarre reason despite it throwing alot of people off by not being able to queue for it

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That’s what happens when the game has 4 raid difficulties


It’s because people need the carrot on a stick of gear to keep playing.

Take away the rewards you lose people. Squishing each time is the solution to that and it will have to keep happening.

If you think it was / is a one off then its you that needs to brush up on the details.

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I agree, the gaps between ilvls should be smaller. if dungeons were to give 170 ilvl and raids 175 (then the next raid 180 etc.), raids would still be giving better gear, but there wouldn’t be as much power creep within an expansion. I hope there at least won’t be this silly ilvl scaling of open world mobs.


It dates back to Vanilla, TBC and WotLK.

Raiders just cant handle being destroyed in PvP by someone in dungeon gear or below their level.

I mean, even in Classic I was able to kite and destroy a lvl 60 warrior in MC/BWL gear with my lvl 57 hunter.

The nerdrage I got on discord afterwards? Bloooody hell…


It probably the same people who despised the legion pvp template system.
I still hope they bring template pvp back as a seperate option.
I liked just opting in for some pvp with everyone on equal footing (aside from balance issues)

I have to agree here and the kind of raider I dislike to have in my team the most, is the one that says “I am only raiding because I need gear for M+”


It is pretty obvious that there will from now on be a level and ilvl squish every expansion.

I fail to see how this is a problem.

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This. ^

They’ll keep squishing every expac to date to lvl 50 and the new ones will always be 60.

They can power creep all they want, it won’t matter.

So if im an arena player all I do is meaningless towards arena?

My 120 fresh chara and my main have the same power? How can that be considered an mmo?

HC dungeon → Normal raid has not been the transition for quite some time.
Not really sure what the issue is.

Power bloat is a huge concern of mine, but I do not currently see the connection for concern at this moment.

You didn’t read this line

I dont want to have 2 queues as one will be considered trash and the other competitive.

How do you know?

Yes that is the terrible thing :frowning: We don’t want to be there either, but we have to. And it is only getting worse in SL.

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Because mythic dungeons exist ?
Tho i agree ,so one dungeon difficulty should be removed. Hc kinda pointless these days.

Gap between heroic dungeons and normal raid should be big, what is worst is gap between raid tiers, BFA Uldir Tier 110-120k hp, BFA Ny’ alotha tier dps with almost 600k hp this is BS, at the end of expansion first tier looks like it’s from earlier expansions, Uldir gear was 350ilvl, while Ny’ alotha is 445, almost 100 ilvl difference in just 1 expansion, and this is very bad. In Wrath most people had 25-30k hp being full icc geared, while full Ulduar gave them close to 22-23k, the difference wasn’t 4 times hp, not even talking about dps numbers from Tier 1 to Tier 4 in BFA…


It’s probably for the emotions of the players. So they see and feel progress with their character. Small steps don’t feel good, stagnating for ever in your chars ilvl doesn’t feel good.