The Scourge of the Premades

Oh look, the playground psychologist PvE hero with zero rating is still here, bragging about their superior social skills and how they’re less of a nerd than you because they have, “friends” that also pilot a bag of pixels around the make-believe pixel World.



Good job, I guess?

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Shouldn’t you be pushing keys, getting excited about your dee pees? :slight_smile:


Shouldn’t you be in bed? I know it’s not a school night, but don’t you get cranky if you’re tired?


I think 1 or 2 Friends Is not a premade. More than 5 Is a premade. Maybe a party of 5 in warsong could be a problem. I think they could set a limit of 2 in 10 man BG and 5 in 15+ ?

I do understand ppl want to play together, with friends, guilds etc. That’s not the issue; its a good thing.

The issue is queuing in to BGs and facing nothing but full geared premades again and again all evening, it gets tiresome.

Random doesn’t feel random if you end up facing those teams all your playtime that day.

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Run 3 toons with full honor gear. If u join a rubbish BG, quit and relog your other toon. While u play a better BG your deseter de buff will expire

Everyone is on equal footing with how PvP gear works now, so this is more of a “git gud” issue than a “premade” issue.

“Equal footing” assumes players joining a game have full sets of honor/conquest gear to start with and also assumes said randoms can overcome the advantages of voice comms etc. I’d suggest you git gud at understanding the disparity in such cases and refrain from making trite replies about a subject you evidently haven’t taken the time to comprehend properly.

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They do. Farming honor gear at the start is very annoying, but it’s easy to get. 1~2 days and you have a full honor set. New characters will always have this disadvantage and I rather see it gone, yet it’s already much better than it was before.

They can. There’s voice comms in-game.

I understand them very well, that’s why I think you’re wrong. Randoms have the exact same tool set available, they just don’t use it.

I suggest you do some research on what tools are available in-game before commenting on topics like this and assuming I don’t know what I’m talking about.


equal footing? rofl that’s funny

Ok, when do you start to “git gud”?

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2-3 friends joining is fine, it is the Russian premades that ruin all the fun, that and you do not get any conquest at all for losses. i can play one sunday for 6 hours and win 3 bgs and get my daily conquest and 50 extra for 2 more wins, it is just horrible

What’s not equal?

You kinda have to git gud if you fail against premades. Make your own premade :woman_shrugging:

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Your trolling is the only thing that needs to “git gud”.

“I want the game to be designed just for me and how I want to play it. Playing it any other way is wrong and should be punished.”

I solo queue and honestly, premades are pretty rare. If it bothered me that much, I would just make my own premade. It’s not hard.

Honestly just sounds like you’re losing (and you are the common denominator in your losing) and blame it on premades as it’s easier to blame it on something externally than look closer to home.


Where am I trolling?
Just stated a fact. If you are that bad that you need a premade for random bg, because you can’t even win without one and telling others to “git gud” isn’t trolling.

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If they/we are “THAT BAD” then surely it will be NO PROBLEM AT ALL for you to face them/us.

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Just shows how less you understand how pvp works.

Of course, because you are an expert, hiding behind a classic account :laughing: