Though it wouldn’t exactly be un-blizzard-like to make the new books be out of date soon after they released, either… What this probably excludes is the option of actually adding the 5 years or so of in-world calendar time since the cataclysm. But doing a new cataclysmic event that changes everything, or the much-discussed time-skip is not as impossible.
Sure, that’s possible…still leaves the question what’s the point of releasing those “lore books” at all.
Did it add to the world in a meaningful way and answer open questions? Not really.
Was ist full of mistakes and questionable tropes? Absolutely yes.
That’s the right question. And I can’t come up with a better answer than “a collectors’ item, for people who care(d) about the lore”. I can’t get less cynical about it, no matter how I try.
You’re all very right it seems maintaining the status quo is this book’s only reason for being
But at the same time as far as we know it’s still canon information so I guess it’s okay to try to make it sensical ??
I mean
Actually idk
Of course it’s “okay”. It’s just not a very satisfying way to spent your time. Let’s face it, the marching orders for the writers were probably the “justify the status quo” thing. And this is all they could come up with, because “explain why 5 years of constant war and world-ending threats didn’t really change anything but Teldrassil” isn’t something an author can do in a way that’s satisfying.
Well, they seem to be working with the BfA follower missions. Stuff like Alliance reclaiming and rebuilding Southshore under Raleigh the Devout in the Eastern Kingdoms book and now Tiragarde being held by the Alliance (Northwatch Expeditionary Unit) under God-Cheese Vendor Kerry and Honor’s Stand being reinforced in the Kalimdor book comes directly from the BfA mission table.
I guess this is what Nathanos meant by saying that “the Alliance is winning on all fronts” in BfA after BoD. Too bad it’ll never be shown in the game, would much rather fight with Northwatch lads at Tiragarde or help Raleigh at Southshore than do anything in Shadowlands.
It will not be showed in-game because in case of a new faction war, Tiragarde will just be immediately destroyed by the Horde being so close to Orgrimmar, of course. It’s still standing exactly because there’s an armistice with the Humans right now, and all the fighting is on the Night Elves alone. It’s nothing more than a questing zone for Horde players, after all.
Same for Southshore, in Forsaken questline during Cataclysm the demi-Lich Helcular says the ruins of the city and all the area surrounding it will be plagued for CENTURIES (basically like Cernobyl in real life), and that not even the Forsaken will be able to live in it. So even if the Alliance try to clean and rebuild it, the city will not be avalaible for civilians to live in for a long time, and even less as a functional base for Alliance soldiers to fight against Tarren Mill or the eventual new Forsaken capital in Lordaeron anytime soon.
Considering they couldn’t do that in the 4th war itself, wouldn’t be surprised if the God-Cheese Vendor’s forces prevail against the greenskins with ease.
The blight sounds like it’s no longer an issue, considering the Alliance forces are garrisoned there and “cleaning up the remaining threats” as of the start of the armistice. And with Turalyon on the throne wanting to reclaim old Alliance holdings, Anduin possibly not returning in a state that will allow him to rule and most foreskins squatting in Kalimdor, I wouldn’t rule out some fun times in Lordaeron in near future where rebuild Southshore could be used just yet.
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