The Shatterspear in Exploring Kalimdor

So I don’t have the book yet and apparently it kinda sucks but the Shatterspear are back in their vale in Darkshore and are FINALLY given a new leader (Ohseso)
I’m a happy boi

Are there any other minor tribes/clans (either Horde or Alliance) that have had their status updated in the book ?


So are they still friendly to the Horde, but just neutral to the Night Elves now? It’s a bit weird that the Night Elves tolerate this though, since the Night Elves are still attacking the Horde overall…

Maybe because Night Elves did almost the same thing to their tribe that the Horde did to Teldrassil?
Something like “Hi Night Elves, we were friends in the past. After we joined the Horde, you did a genocide of our tribe. The Horde did the same to you. We know how it feels, so we have left the Horde, and we want to become neutral again”.
Considering that Cenarion Circle is neutral again its very possible that Night Elves would agree on such agreement.


Nah to be fair they were planned to launch attacks on Kaldorei, that’s why Garrosh recruited them into the Horde in the first place. And that’s the question, why the hell would they want to wage war on NElves (and obviously lose) when the reason why they settled in Darkshore is precisely that they wanted peace ?
So either Blizzard just ignored their own lore (very possible) or there’s something more to it
But yeah the Kaldorei kinda genocided them nonetheless

And according to the book they’re trying to “honor their bargains with both the Horde and the Night Elves”, so I guess that means they’re still in the Horde but have a special neutral status with the Kaldorei ? idk


They joined the Horde that was attacking the night elves. What did they expect? That the night elves would’ve left them alone?

They haven’t left the Horde,

As far as we know the Cenarion Circle never stopped bieng neutral, though some of their druid did ofcourse fight for the Alliance, as did some Earthen Ring shaman fight for the Horde.

Blizzard’s ignoring their previous lore to keep the world as static as possible because they’re afraid to change the world again, but also afraid of adding new lore to the game!

Which makes no sense because Velen (in the book) outright states that the Kaldorei (logically) are attacking the Horde in their territories again (even if the Horde apparently retook all their old outposts in Ashenvale), their borders are guarded again, they do not accept the armistice and any Horde member is fair game.


It’s a bit strange yes. Maybe it’s because we don’t know the full story yet and at some point the Kaldorei did something bad to the Shatterspear, which would explain their nonsensical aggressive attitude in Cata. I guess we’ll see since it seems writers actually want to give them lore now LOL

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Or maybe it was the “rule of cool”, if you remember the main theme of Cataclysm. Blizzard don’t give a BEEP on logic, continuity or common sense. And it started since Cata.


Sure that’s possible. Even back in Cata though quests made it clear that up until then both groups had been at peace, so at least they were always aware of the lore

So as I said, the Shatterspear are indeed still in the Horde, but despite this they are now made a neutral pact with the Night Elves who tolerate them.

This is veeeery weird…because basically, now the Night Elves accepted the fact that not only the Horde is still in Ashenvale, but that they have a base deep in Darkshore as well. So weird.

This could be explained with the fact that the Night Elves are now fully focused on their outposts in Ashenvale, and fighting the Horde there.

Indeed, post-Battle of Darkshore, despite the zone was officially reclaimed by the Night Elves, most Kaldorei life in Darkshore is seemingly gone, or essentially dead, and much of the land seems abandoned or uninhabitable. Onu, the Ancient of Lore in Darkshore, welcomed the Horde representatives to the Grove of the Ancients, and even shared some of his ancient wisdom with them. Bashal’Aran and Ameth’Aran are also either abandoned or destroyed.

So basically Darkshore is the new Gilneas…


I’m glad we now finally have a new leader and a lore update for the Shatterspear. More Troll ore and updates to the world are always a good thing. Well would be nice if those things would be reflected in the game too.

Of course, they are part of the Horde.

True, for some reason they followed Garrosh’s lead to attack. Even though they didn’t have any wars since the Aqir or possible the End of the Night Elven war over 10K years ago.

It was a strange story. However their shamans helped to burn Teldrassil. Don’t think any of both sides will be eager to forget.

My guess: The Horde and Alliance aren’t in a war right now. Meaning they are holding the peace. That’s it.
Of course Tyrande didn’t yet sign on to peace (understandably), so we shall see. With the current writers… yeah don’t expect any logic.


Yeah I think you’re probably right actually, even though NElves did officially reclaim Darkshore I think I read somewhere that according to the book only the Grove of the Ancients and Shatterspear Vale remain active in the region.

At the end of the day it makes complete sense that the Shatterspear have retaken their lands. The Horde wasn’t gonna leave one of its Kalimdor groups homeless now that its grip on the continent is tighter than ever…

How do we know that ? Was it shown ingame ?

In game their shamans stood with the catapults.
Honestly I forgot if there was text in game or in one of the last books mentioning it.

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Except it is not.

In Exploring Kalimdor, the Alliance has a heavy, militarised presence in both Durotar and the Barrens.
In Exploring Eastern Kingdoms, the Alliance has basicly every fortress in Silverpine and Southshore in Hillsbrad under their control.

Every Horde capital except for Quel’thalas and the Broken Isle ones are threatened by the Alliance.

I guess you’re talking about Tiragarde Keep and Honor’s Stand ? Then yes that’s true, I wouldn’t say Tiragarde Keep is much of a threat though, especially not to Orgrimmar. Hasn’t it always been more of a symbolic outpost ?
And with Theramore long gone, the bulk of Alliance power on Kalimdor was really the nation of Darnassus, and it’s crippled now (though it’s true that most losses were among civilians, not soldiers)

Maybe, maybe not I’m gonna replay Warcraft III soon because I (vaguely) remember that Tiragarde Keep was, in Lore, as much a threat to Orgrimmar as Theramore was.

Besides, a massive keep on your doorstep is bad news, no matter if it’s fully manned or not because you’ll always need to divert forces to siege/destroy it or risk a attack to the rear/flank if you send troops elsewhere!

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True true. That place is such an oddity to me. It’s hard to imagine how the Alliance can maintain a stronghold right between the Echo Isles and the Horde’s capital. The Echo Isles now have a dock connected to Zandalar and Orgrimmar has a harbor as well as canon portals to pretty much everywhere. Massive reinforcement could theorically arrive in the blink of an eye LMAO


It seems Zekhan commented about Tiragarde: “Oh well, maybe we will get them some time in the future”.

Doesn’t seem very afraid about it…nor peaceful :stuck_out_tongue:

furthermore despite the military presence in the Horde zones , the Alliance isn’t helping the Night Elves in the on-going battles in Ashenvale or even skirmishes in Azshara at all. That alone is disgraceful and a valid reason for the Night Elves to leave the Alliance ASAP. It also reminds me a bit when Garithos willingly left Kael’thas and the Blood Elves alone to die against the Scourge…

The Draenei seem quite neutral and even almost friendly to the Horde representatives too now, and the Exodar is fully repaired and capable of travel so the Draenei can leave Kalimdor when they want if they feel helping the Night Elves is a lost cause there…


Really… they made a book to describe the world pretty much as it looks in the game. Just like they did with the last one. Tiragarde is still a thing, because it is still in the game. Night Elves are attacking Azshara, because they are doing so in the game. Shatterspear are still where they are, because they are still in the game.

Why would you waste your time thinking of reasons, when Blizzard didn’t even do it while writing books about it?

I rather wonder if that’s a nail in the hopes of a world update in the foreseeable future.


That’s what it looks like to me as well.

All other glaring issues with the book aside, it seems to serve only as a means to confirm the status quo as we know it ( and offer weak to outright ridiculous explanations for this. )

It’s sad, really. I know I shouldn’t, but I expected more :frowning:

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It seems like a resolute yes to me.