<THE SPICE WITHIN> Once the kids are in bed, its time to work on AOTC!

Putting together a new TWW guild to achieve AOTC. Given that we can run mythics and raids cross server and cross faction we don’t mind where you are - but we’re mainly on the Horde side of Kazzak for what it’s worth.

We’re all adults with jobs, kids and commitments who take the game pretty serious but don’t let it control our lives. Most of us have played WoW for 20 years and the objective is to achieve AOTC in a reasonable time frame, but we’re a mix of experienced and not-so-experienced raiders so it wont happen over night.

If you fancy some chill progress raiding in a laid back enjoyable environment, we might be a good fit for you!

Our initial raids will be ran blind because new content is fun and we don’t want all the spoilers and mechanics months ahead of time.

We’re still finalizing raid times but it’s looking most likely to be twice a week; Wednesday and Tuesdays. Time to be determined.

M+ groups will be ran throughout the week but generally people are left to their own devices outside of the raid times.

Discord is a must.

We’re mainly Brits with a couple European members and play several other games together. Originally formed as a guild during classic hardcore before playing SoD and now back to retail.

Reach out to me if this is of interest: Zniki#2976 (BNET)


  • Tuesday/Wednesday Raids
  • Time not known yet though likely 20:00 server time or later.
  • AOTC is the objective
  • Any server/faction
  • Be mature
  • Be willing to use discord


We’ve picked up a few people in the last 24 hours so I Just wanted to provide an update on roles that we are looking to fill.

We’re currently looking for the following:

  • Resto Shaman
  • Retribution or Holy Paladin
  • Mage
  • Windwalker or Mistweaver Monk
  • Warlock
  • Rogue

That being said, if we can’t get the above for all the buffs… any healers/DPS should reach out! We have plenty of flexibility in our current playerbase.