The state of healing

I have been healing and maining disc for 10+ years. I can say with all confidence that healing in arenas or BGs has never felt better and I’ve never had as much fun as I have in this patch.
Then I see they are hotfixing disc with nerfs on reset.
Which makes me wonder… Why not instead of nerfing disc, buff other healers so that we can enjoy the game too? Everyone is complaining that Solo queues are too long and blizzard is still trying to figure out how to get more healers queueing. Well I just told you why, and now you’re nerfing us lol. If you want more healers, consider making healing fun, like disc is at the spot it’s in right now, genuinely fun to play and not stressfull.
Also questionable choice to nerf healers and allow all these 1shots because wtf is going on?


You know whats madness definition ? When you tryin fix problem with same solution which doesnt work over and over again :joy::v:

My main issue is the absurd health pools with absurd damage which means hybrid healing is completely worthless (not even 10% health per cast) and sustained healing feels weak (when not intentionally overtuned)

The insulting part is that many hybrids OOM after a couple casts
% based self-healing / DR specs are hugely advantaged by this meta

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