The state of tanks

So from the title I play Tank myself, Currently as Guardian (Have every class available but chose this for season 4). This season I have found that I’m waiting for M+ groups more than average often needing to queue for several at a time, multiple times in the hope 1 accepts, So decided to wisp a couple of group leaders and ask what they were looking for etc. Yet same replies were had with multiple groups “We’re looking for a DH tank”.

Now I know people want a Meta comp etc and this has existed every season but usually on really high keys. The issue is this season it seems to be 10 fold and happening more even on the lower keys.

Out of curiosity I had a peak on Raider IO only to find that out of the top 1000 runs 972 were a Demon Hunter Tank, and out of the top 500 runs all 500 runs were a Demon Hunter Tank.

Surely this is a sign that Blizzard need to address the state of Tanks?

I mean the other option is we all role DH tank.


The problem with this is that out of those “500” tanks, it’s pretty much the same people over and over if you actually look at it.

It’s hard to address it without gutting DH completely. They just have so much utility right now, you’re bound to see more diversity as we get more gear. Right now DH is just very strong at surviving while doing good damage and bringing a lot of utility (double silence sigil, aoe stun, double grip sigil, double fear sigil, purge).


You cant Blame them tbh .

This season is just broken brutal in terms of amount of Jobs Control you need.

Plus dh have ton of self healing which helps a lot too when you have bad undergeared healers.

Blizzard woudl have to deplot liek flat 20-30 percent NERF to everything to counter this

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Tanks of any variety seem to be in short supply even in low keys, so I can’t say I see what you’re experiencing. As long as a tank is within a reasonable gear bracket, it’s pretty much an insta-accept. (High keys are absolutely a different story and not for me.)

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Depend what dungeons your running. Im around 2400 rating and 511 ilvl. I have no issues getting in like 7-9’s which is what I’ve mostly been doing, just farming them for Heroic gear. When I try to get in 10+ is when it seems to become the DH tank only zone

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For now I do not think that this is going to change, as DH currently has a very versatile toolkit that makes them ideal for dungeons. I think most of the issue stems from their talent to have two of each sigil.

Sadly unless they design dungeons around these sigils not be so strong, or they remove the ability of them to have two of each sigils I do not think that this is going to change for a while.

And seeing how Blizzard handled priest mass dispel the end result will not be pretty either.

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Theres 2 elements to this.

  1. DH’s are broken strong.
  2. The data you are looking at is totally skewed because the best players took the best class.

Swing it round, what do the top 1k runs have to do with you? Pretty much nothing.


Some of those DH are there for the meta and they know how to play half of the potential DH has…
Can a good paladin tank overperform a DH? Oh definitely… the amount of interrupts, immunities, off healing and bresses make it a very competitive tank.
People keeps saying paladin is squishy paladin is squishy…. Not really, no… when I jump into a pack with DH after the healer stopped the group for mana I’m always with no rage and I really struggle if mobs hit hard…
… paladin? Pffffff I can generate holy powers on a whim while healer is eating. Keep spinning those hammers :joy::joy:

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As someone who plays 2 tanks this season im super Picky when it comes even to +2.

First very fast check is off raiders Io scores then whether everyone in group have 1 mln + health

This season is harsh no point to waste time for bad groups unable to finish dungeons

Make Priest Disc into a tank spec to balance it out :+1:

Top runs are nearly ALWAYS the meta set up. If you are a group whose sole interest is to push the highest keys possible then yes you are going to play those classes. Ofc there are always issues with players in keys that don’t require meta asking for them. We see it every season.

Most players play the classes they prefer. I don’t think there is a class or spec that hasn’t hit 3k score.

When we do keys my friend who BM tanks has a much harder time in the 10s/11s we do compared to the DH friend who seems invicible ofc. Same goes for another friend I play with who is a Prot Pala. However none of us are looking to push like the 1% who are getting to +19s.

I do understand it’s frustrating when everyone wants a DH. I also get that it’s a smoother run even at +10 with a DH. I’m not sure how they can balance it atm.

Yes, there is a meta problem atm with tanks and it’s not the top 5% ridiculous arguments. It affects all key levels.
A Demon hunter can trivialise the trash mechanics. Double silence sigil is too strong and they deal more damage and are tankier on top of it so…:person_shrugging:

I made peace with the fact that Blizzard is not gonna do anything about it until the next expansion.

The issue is that even if they were to nerf silence sigil to half the duration, it would still be more powerful that what other tanks have.
Only paladin and warrior have anything that is even close but way more limited in range or target capped.

Good news for you is that i heard bear is getting solar beam next xpac.
But yeah… silence sigil is a problem atm. It’s too strong. No tank should have acess to an AoE shutdown like that.

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It’s impossible to Balance all tanks unless you make them all the same, at which point what is the point of different classes.

The thing that affects the seeming balance of said tanks is the encounters and their designs themselves.
The fact they are timed, the number of trash mobs that cast, don’t move do magic/physical dmg etc.

Do away with the timer alone and the need for a particular tank to OMG ZERG 3 CHEST ZERG goes away.

I don’t entirely agree with you here. A DH is most vunerable when they pull, if a single mob is stood to the side a hit can class as a hit in the back which can cheap shot them easily. So setting the pull up takes a bit of planning and forethought.

The double silence sigil is what makes them Unique, remove this and honestly they would slip very quickly. The sigil of silence also doesn’t affect everything, for example it cannot interrupt a cast on an elite that cannot be CC’d . But the 1 thing that makes this ability super strong is an evokers Roar, and the timing needed and working together deserves the pay off. Not to mention the roar interacts with everyone’s CC and extends it, so it is not a mutually exclusive thing.

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I hope this doesn’t come as a shock… but every tank has that problem at the start.
They all start with zero resources, need to build them without getting killed and group the mobs.
Some tanks have the tools to do this. Mostly DH, Paladin and DK. Others do not like bear and brew and some have very limited one like warrior.
But, it’s not only the grouping. DH can completely shutdown the mobs for almost 20 seconds with sigils and AoE stun. That is not something any other tank can get even close to doing.

Sure, you can call it unique or skilfull, but it’s stupid OP and that makes it the choice for tank over all the others.
It will get nerfed. It has to. They are 90% of m+ tanks atm. There is no other choice. It’s just a question of when.


No they wouldn’t. Look at waycrest manor burning tree boss. Something like a pala has to reset and play well to live. DH just lol facetanks it. Theres a thousand examples like this.


Would be pretty boring if all tanks were just the same.

And I’m sure there is nothing in the world Paladin can do and simply laugh or shrug it off that a DH would need to work for right ?

As mentioned there are some caveats to this. The silence doesn’t shut them down, but stops them casting. Unless off course its an uninterruptable cast or the mob is an elite and cannot be CC’d in which case only a direct interrupt would do anything.
If they pull a pack can, and everything lines up can they do this, yes, but they cannot do this duration again for over 2 minutes. Top of my head each charge of the interrupt is 1 minute or was it 1 minute 30. Cannot remember precisely , got my little one running around getting all his energy out.

Again it has been said multiple times. Pushing high keys DH yes plays a major role. Doing anything including 10’s even 11’s or 12’s is doable with any tank and the problem is with the user base. If DH gets gutted do you not think the focus will shift to the next BIS tank ? or do you somehow think this will be some miracle cure that as if by magic level’s the entire playing field for all tank’s.

Again there is no way to balance tanks, one will always have the edge, and so be automatically made the default choice by the majority of the lemming community and so the cycle begins anew.

Remove the timer and make completion the only requirement and all of a sudden I bet there will be more tolerance.

Exactly my point. At this point just delete all classes and specs and make 4 Roles.
Melee and be done with it.


The point, which you ignored or missed is that what is possible on a DH isn’t even remotely possible on - for instance - a paladin.

So its clearly not just about the sigils.

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Those signs were there well before S4 started, and nothing happened.

We haven’t seen any meaningful class tuning in months now. At first people said it was because MDI was upcoming, then because MDI was going on, then because the new season was about to start (a month later). Now the new season has started and still nothing has been done. Now the new excuse is that the new expansion will come out in a few months.

You can also look at the healer statistics and will see that resto druids do 19s while the best resto shamans have only done 16s so far.