Stormwind Times
Your local weekly newspaper, bringing you the latest and greatest from our nation’s capital.
Bang in the Night
It was a regular Monday evening in the Stormwind harbour, as trade settled down for the evening, when the docked ships were disturbed by a guard presence. It seems that City Guards and Silver Hand Knights were doing vigorous searches of the ships in dock, taking a Magistrate with them, for those that refused access. What the guard were searching for was unclear, but it seemed to cause quite the commotion.
Many passers by stopped to watch as the guard forced themselves onto ships to ruthlessly search through cargo and personal belongings of the crew. Thankfully, passers by were kept back from the third ship, the Dauntless. After the guard boarded, flames were seen on the ship and the ship promptly exploded. It is understood that all crew were safely ashore, after being ordered to leave during the search. Dock workers, and other civilians were quick to lend a hand, dousing the flames, however the ship was lost.
It seems that the guard work was worth it in the end, as they discovered a ship full of illegal cargo. The ship was trying to leave dock just as the guard boarded. The captain of the ship was not happy however and tried to force the guard to leave. A fight then ensued before the crew were subdued. The chaotic night seemed to end there for the harbour, and normal business resumed the next morning, with the wreckage of the dauntless being left to its crew to clear up.
Fried Paper
The ‘Stormwind Times’ team would like to apologise for the lack of paper last week. An incident occurred in the printing room that resulted in a burnt-out printing press, and the team had to source a new one from Gnomeregan. It seems that one member of the team, Dr. S McPhrizzle, was influenced by the void, and told to burn the printing press. Dr. McPhrizzle did manage to remove the void from himself, after the useful information the ‘Times’ printed a number of weeks ago, however it was too late for the printing press. All is well again at the ‘Times’ HQ, Dwarven District, however.
Latest Titbits
It seems the Pig and Whistle Tavern has a new owner in town. Lady Karoline Krieger seems to have bought a sizeable quantity of shares in the business, making her the main owner of the local watering hole. Sources close to the Pig suggest it was much needed, as the bar was failing to turn a profit over the last year. Miss Krieger hasn’t been available for comment; however, it is believed that a number of changes are imminent, including staffing changes at the Pig.
The ‘Stormwind Times’ would like to offer a hearty congratulations to City Guard duo Shalyer Umbrosa and Gilannia Morningdew on there engagement. The two are expected to marry in the city in the coming weeks. The ‘Times’ wishes them all the best for the future.
Rumour from the Court house is saying that the Terrasha Dawnborn case, that the ‘Times’ reported on in last months paper, is set to reopen. Rumours state that the trial held behind closed doors wasn’t entirely legal, and working magistrates are set to petition the Kings council to allow a re-trial, with the suspect present. The ‘Times’ will keep its readers up to date as always!
*A picture of Stefano “Fancy” Smith blowing a kiss, inside a love heart “Your order is ready, Love Stefano” *
Stefano “Fancy” Smith welcomes you to Stefano’s Style and Fashion Boutique. Get all your fancy fittings, stylish shirts and delightful dresses for a fair price. Find us in the Mage District.
The Stormwind Times is edited and published in Stormwind City, Dwarven District, by Sprizzle McPhrizzle, GJS.
((If you want to get involved helping publish the Stormwind times, contact Sprizzle in game, or via mail!))
((IC and OOC comments always welcome!!))