The story of a newly dinged tank in WotLK

Sounds like a server problem. On mine (Gehennas), all of those go for no more than 6k combined if you spend wisely. Just buy Orbs with Conquests from your main and mats from the AH and have someone craft the gear for you. Buy Valor bracers with Valors from your main.

Also maxing out mining-based professions sounds again like server problem. On mine, it is nowhere 5k g per profession. More like 2k at most.

I 100% agree that a newcomer has it extremely rough, but alts have it easy.

Sort of… because we didn’t even have dualspec in TBC. Because of that, as tanks were few for raiding, but were in demand for HCs and you couldn’t just swap over to a dps spec for free, it took ages to find a willing tank. And those might not have had any need for badges if they were raiders.

Who would willingly spend 50 bucks over and over? Tanks had low as hell damage outdoors, unless you were a pally (but then, you’d have to get 4832 different stats to be able to tank properly).

Yup, it seems without RDF very few are willing to do dungeons. I’m not fond of it when we even have a portal to Caverns of Time for Culling, and we still have to summon the others. Or even better… on one of my last clears, 3 of us made our way to it quickly and a 4th was camping around in the caves. The last guy didn’t know how to get there and… took a port to Org and flew all the way down to Tanaris. We waited 5 mins, I’d say I’ll go and catch him. But then someone hearthed to do so, while the afker 4th guy came in after meeting up and not summoning the 5th. At that point I just turned back, thinking he was summoned or something, but no he wasn’t, and just came in on his own.

We wasted at least 15 mins because of poor communication. Yes, was on me, part of, but I didn’t want to take the long stroll when I saw the hearth happening. But even then, would have been 10 mins of wasted time. Not to mention someone began the timer while waiting so we missed the optional boss.

If we had RDF we would have been done by when we actually started the run… as you can see, people won’t be chatting even in a no RDF environment. That mentality was clearly inspired by something else and I could say 2 such reasons.

Less reliance on others by Wrath specs and the societal norms we brought into the game (again, we rely less on each other in this age of individualism).

The former is easier to see if you compare a TBC spec to a Wrath one.

Look at pallies. They only had a handful of seals to buff their autoattack and only 2 rotational single target abilities, and Mana intensive AoE, no instant heals (apart from Lay Hands which drained their mana) and casted heals would be bashed till eternity in an AoE. Mana returns were very low and mainly tied to Seal of Wisdom (which pallies didn’t like to use as Blood and Command seal twisting was better).

And then in Wrath, they have at least 5 single target skills, Cons is more mana friendly, Holy Wrath is instant and stuns UD/demons, they return a ton of mana from both Judgement of Wisdom, 1 min cd Divine Plea and Judgement casts themselves. Also, instant FoL after a melee crit (or Exorcism but you had multiple procs in 15 secs with proper gear so a lot of easy offheals). AND you even get to dual spec tank if something really gives you a headache and solo with Seal of Light and wisdom!!

In such an environment, why seek out others to help with an elite if you can solo it yourself? That’s the path of the least resistance and certain players (myself included) feel a real thrill if we succeed in downing a foe intended for 3-4 players. :smiling_face_with_tear:

As for societal norms… you could probably look at yourself. How many of your neighbors do you know for instance, how often do you go out to parties? I’m fairly antisocial so I don’t know many people, and that’s fine, likely because I’m not a conversation starter. I just join in if I see the opportunity or like a topic. I doubt I’d be alone in this.

Whew… okay, this was a giant post, that’s all folks :sweat_smile:

It just take 1000g to buy duel spec. Play as dps - you can get carried as dps even in hc+.

Thats what I did as fresh tank alt.

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