The story of a young orcish warrior (and friends)

Hey there, gang.

Lately I’ve been dipping my toes into the Horde RP scene with Galek here who is a new character of mine. He’s young, loyal and eager to prove himself in field of battle, his head filled with ideas of honour, the old traditions of the Horde but also a desire to see the world outside of familiar Kalimdor. For the Horde, of course!

I know that the server is pretty much in winter sleep mode because of the holidays but I figured I’d drop a post here for any feelers. As mentioned, the character is meant to be young and not that experienced so I’d want his journey of growth to be slow and sensible. I realise that doesn’t make him the best of fits for some guilds/plots especially ones involving TWW, but if you think your character or warband would want to meet this grunt and test his mettle, feel free to reach out! Just toss me a whisper or an ingame mail or something, I like to discuss stuff and/or answer questions.

Oh and while we’re here, happy New Year to everyone.


It’s a great time to dip your toes into Horde RP. Despite most guilds being on their winter break, RP has been doing pretty well. I think Orgrimmar’s had some brawling most nights well.

I would suggest you join the Horde AD Discord, we’ve got a bunch of active guilds listed along with keeping the calendar updated with any Horde events that are coming up or random RP in the likes of Orgrimmar or anywhere else ^^

  • If you’d like to join here’s a link!

There’s also the Orgrimmar Market Night coming up on Janurary 5th that might be a good time to look around and interact with people as well ^^


The Hand of Conquest welcomes all aspiring warriors who want to test their mettle among the best grunts the Horde has to offer!

We’re currently in Hammerfall to protect the northern borders against all threats from within and without, and plenty of shamanistic bonding!

Come check us out sometime :saluting_face:


Sponsored by raid: shadow legends!


Thanks to you both @Rokamo and @Zeepkist, I’ll give that discord a try. I’m familiar with HoC ofc and one day I’ll probably give you guys a visit, though I don’t want to throw my boy straight into deep warfare just yet.


There is now more than just one orc on the quest to find the perfect warband.


On the red sands of Durotar, its harsh splendour bathed in sunlight, a lone warrior returns from his hunt and makes his way to the capital of orcs to trade his goods - hides, pelts and a few herbs he has gathered across his travels. The young orc has not learned any craft, so he hopes to exchange them for supplies and resume his travels.

In Orgrimmar, he happens upon a gathering of various merchants and the many members of Horde interested in their goods. There, he strikes a bargain with a caravan of Vulpera - a collection of some of his rarer herbs for spears. “They are good herbs.”, he informs the Vulpera, expecting his weaponry to be of good craftsmanship. They will be of use on his future hunts. The spears are to be picked up in the next few days in Wyvern’s Tail or, should Galek wish to, in Dawn’s Blossiom, Pandaria, where the Vulpera’s caravan will go next. He declines, explaining he has never been there nor he knows how to reach the land.

While perusing other wares a friendly Darkspear approaches the young orcish warrior, seeking his help in reading a text he has but written in Orcish, a language the Troll is not that familiar with, particularly in its written form. Galek unfortunately does not know how to read or write that well, however he vows to aid the Darkspear in seeking out someone else who could help. Sadly, their search is futile, but the two decide to share a beverage together, Galek’s herbs proving once again to be good items to barter with.

Galek indulges in a mug of ale, Julanji, the Darkspear he met, frog venom. They share tales of one another while the alepeddling Tauren offers them a refill. By chance, accident or perhaps as a cruel twist of fate, Galek reaches for the venom instead of his ale. He looks death in the eye for the first time… and survives. He lives on to seek his glory.

Thus, the Orc and Darkspear’s friendship has been forged, a bond that will surely grow in time.


I see that you are at least OOCly a shaman, perhaps ICly as well?
If that is the case, there’s a shaman meeting initiative for people to join in on, while it’s not specifically for the Horde, it’s still Earthen Ring and shamanistic in nature. Quite a nice start for a fledgling or experienced shaman to start their travels with on Azeroth/Outland.
Link to the event here: [Shaman-RP] Shaman Circle Gathering

There are also the fireside gatherings once a month where a lot of recruitment is done if you’re searching for a guild specifically. However, there’s also a lot of chatting and general conversations being had as well! The next would be the 1st of February!

I’m sure you’ll find a guild that fits your character. It’s all about interacting and involving yourself in the greater picture. Smiley:

Edit: Accidentally added the date for Fireside after my last comment… I need stronger coffee


The merchants have tricked him.

Or so he thinks, because they have not appeared where they have agreed, ‘at the tail of the wyvern’ the next few days later. He has to find the Vulpera.

He remembers that they mentioned their caravan moving to Pandaria, to ‘the dawn of a blossom’. Julanji suggests that they ask around to find the way there, the young orc is glad to have a companion for the journey ahead. The Darkspears were always close allies to the orcs and have been treated as family, as he was told by his father years ago.

The two young warriors search Orgrimmar for a Pandaren they could ask for directions but a Dracthyr mage offers a portal in exchange for a future favour. They accept and step through the portal which sends them into the wrong part of Pandaria. Thankfully, the locals give them directions towards Dawn’s Blossom and the duo treks through the continent to locate the Vulpera, realising on the way that it may be too late to meet them there.

However the journey through the strange and foreign land is enjoyable. Galek in particular is in awe of the various vistas they came across, the ruins they come across remind him of some of the tales the Pandaren in his father’s warband shared around the campfire. Galek proves his skill as a hunter to hunt the unfamiliar Pandaren beasts, providing him and his friend with food to continue their journey. Their journey lasts a few days and they break camp together, sharing more tales about themselves as they rest.

Soon they reach their destination, the Dawn’s Blossom in Jade Forest and they find that the Vulpera has already left, as they suspected. They come across another traveller, a merchant who follows the same track as the Vulpera do - the Crossroads in Barrens, to trade their goods with the people of the Horde there. Galek and Julanji strike a deal with this merchant and they share the merchant’s portal, they only have to help with moving their goods through it.

And so they return to Kalimdor and appear at a gathering in the Crossroads, where they happen across the Vulpera they seek, thus the young orcish warrior finally receives his spears. Indeed, they prove to be of acceptable quality.

His journey continues.