The story of a young orcish warrior (and friends)

I see that you are at least OOCly a shaman, perhaps ICly as well?
If that is the case, there’s a shaman meeting initiative for people to join in on, while it’s not specifically for the Horde, it’s still Earthen Ring and shamanistic in nature. Quite a nice start for a fledgling or experienced shaman to start their travels with on Azeroth/Outland.
Link to the event here: [Shaman-RP] Shaman Circle Gathering

There are also the fireside gatherings once a month where a lot of recruitment is done if you’re searching for a guild specifically. However, there’s also a lot of chatting and general conversations being had as well! The next would be the 1st of February!

I’m sure you’ll find a guild that fits your character. It’s all about interacting and involving yourself in the greater picture. Smiley:

Edit: Accidentally added the date for Fireside after my last comment… I need stronger coffee