Literally the same spec since Legion, the gameplay is literally the same with only a few momentary “changes” during patches (ex: heart strike spam in shadowlands season 3/4)
The spec feels odd cause of these two things:
1- Literally 0 chances to press different bindings even if you drastically change the build, which is impossible cause there’s like two of them right now but the prio is the same. Build RP, expect the diminishing and Death Strike when you need, the fact that the mitigation spell is the same as the best single target output is just bad, and eventually very very boring. You do the same things in pretty much every scenario to stay alive, the fact that if you lose 1/2 globals you’re likely to be dead compared to any other tank simply gives more anxiety and stress to play the spec.
2- Utility and damage are just bad compared to other tanks, grip is huge but in a small % of scenarios.
Small and fast list of what i’m talking about over Dk bringing Death Grip and AMZ which is used on 1/3 of the content for its utility:
- Guardian druid: Better damage, mark of the wild.
- Vengeance: Better damage, spell damage debuff.
- Prot Warr: Way higher damage, rallying cry, attack power buff.
- Brewmaster: Way higher damage, melee buff, taunt speed, ring of peace.
- Prot pala: Higher damage, Sacrifice every minute, party healings, aoe silence every minute, physical/spell damage immunity to party members.
I’m not even mentioning the mobility.
The payback of what you do in your rotation is not satisfying at all for the ending result cause you do less damage than any other tank and you can’t do much to help your party.
Here are a couple few changes that i would personally like to see, i’m not a creator and these are just some ideas:
Hemostasis: If your Blood Boil hits 2 or more targets your next Death Strike transforms into Death Cleave, doing physical damage to all enemies in front of you. If your Blood Boil hits a single enemy your next Death Strike does 15% increased damage.
Blooddrinker and Consumption are Baseline and reworked.
Blooddrinker: Drains blood from up to two enemies, healing you for 50% of your maximum health over 2 seconds and shielding you for the amount absorbed. 45 seconds cooldown.
Consumption: Smashes all targets in front of you for XXX Shadow Damage, giving you and your party member 10% leech for 10 seconds. 45 seconds cooldown.
“New Talent” Hunger of Blood: Your next Blooddrinker does 1% increased damage for each Runic Power spent during the last minute, up to 200% and hits 1 additional enemy.
“New Talent” Consuming Strike: Consumption does 20% increased damage, shields you for the damage done and give 5% additional leech.
Death Strike Nerf: A vicious strike, doing XXX damage to the target and heals you for 20% of the damage taken in the last 5 seconds, minimun 8% and maximum 40% of your max health.
Blood Fortification: Stamina increased by 30%, Armor increased by 15%.
Will of the Necropolis: Damage Taken below 40% health is reduced by 20%.
Bonestorm 3 mins cooldown: Does XXX shadow damage around you every second for 15 seconds, decreases your damage taken by 30% decaying by 10% every 5 seconds.
2 seconds of the cooldown reduced per 15 runic power spent.
Instant, no cost. -
Mark of Blood: Your next Death Strike places a mark on your target for 1 min, every single target spell against the target by you and your party members heals them for 1% of their maximum health, your damage against the marked target is increased by 15%.
Instant, costs 1 rune. -
Bloodworms Rework: When you cast 5 Heart Strike, Death Strike or Blood Boil you summon a Bloodworm, the creature attacks your most recently target attacked with Death Strike and Increases the damage taken of the target from you by 1%, if you drop below 30% of your hp the Bloodworms explodes, shielding and healing you for 5% of your maximum hp and damaging nearby enemies for XXX shadow damage.
Shattering Bone reworked into Vampiric Will: While under the effect of Vampiric Blood, your Blood Plague ticks 200%/400% faster. Two ranks.
Tombstone Rework into Bloodbath: While you’re in your death and decay and for 3 seconds after you move out of it, your Blood Boils echoes its damage from all the targets at 50% effectiveness.
I’m not saying that this is the way to go, but this could be just a beginning and a real cry for help to give the spec a different and more competitive perspective. Share your ideas about it and your own “solutions”, fellas!