The Tale of [Your Name Here] and the Guild Excuses [Raiding Guild]

Once upon a time in the vast realms of Azeroth, a lone adventurer named [Your Name Here] roamed the lands. Armed with a sharp wit, a trusty mount, [Insert Your Name Here] sought a place to call home before the coming storm of the new expansion, “The War Within.”

One day, while sipping on a flagon of questionable ale in a bustling tavern, [Insert Your Name Here] overheard a hushed conversation.

“Have you heard of the Guild of Excuses?” whispered a gnome with an unusually large hat.

“Aye,” replied a grizzled orc, “They’re gearing up for the new expansion and looking for fresh faces.”

[Your Name Here]'s ears perked up. “Excuses, you say? Sounds like my kind of people.”

With determination, [Insert Your Name Here] set off to find this illustrious guild. After a journey involving three flight paths, two boat rides, and one questionable shortcut through a murloc-infested swamp, [Insert Your Name Here] arrived at the grand hall of the Guild of Excuses.

Inside, a council of seasoned adventurers awaited. At the head of the table sat the Guild Master, a wise and weary leader.

“What brings you to our halls, traveller?” the Guild Master inquired.

[Your Name Here] cleared their throat, “I seek to join the Guild of Excuses. I’ve heard tales of your legendary raid nights, and your love of all things Mythic+.”

The Guild Master nodded. “We pride ourselves on our camaraderie and our achievements. We aim for at least Ahead of the Curve in each raid tier and dive into the depths of Mythic+ dungeons with gusto. Our raids are on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 7:00pm to 11:00pm UK time.”

“I believe I would fit right in,” [Your Name Here] said , grinning.

“And what of your previous experience?” another member asked.

“Well,” [Your Name Here] began, “there was that time I accidentally sold my mount to a vendor while trying to barter for a fish. Still figuring out how to ride a fish.”

The hall erupted in laughter, and the Guild Master stood. “Welcome to the Guild of Excuses, [Your Name Here]. May your adventures with us be filled with epic loot, grand victories, and more than a few excuses along the way.”

And so, [Your Name Here] joined the Guild of Excuses, ready to face the challenges of “The War Within” alongside new friends and fellow adventurers.

If you, too, seek a place where laughter is as important as loot, where excuses are just as valuable as experience points, and where every raid night is an adventure, then join us! The Guild of Excuses is calling all social members and raiders to gear up for the next chapter in Azeroth.

Contact Details:

  • Guild Name: Excuses [EU]
  • Recruiter: Norvo#2341 or Discord norvo.
  • Focus: Ahead of the Curve in each raid tier, Mythic+ dungeon runs
  • Raiding Nights: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7:00pm to 11:00pm UK time
  • Grand Hall: Entirely virtual (Discord)

Not an RP Guild, just trying to get your attention :wink:
Join us, and become a part of our legendary tales.

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