The Taunka

i run some BfA Island Expeditions. During some you can encounter Taunka as enemies.
This seems strange to me. They are part of the horde, they weren’t used as the Taruen AR, no boring antler Tauren were created and the only interaction for the Horde with any Taunka was to kill some of them.
That’s quite sad.


You also have to remember the context. HM were made playable in Legion with the first batch of ARs, it was the very beginning of the system and blizz wasn’t sure where the system would go. This was also before the community went wild about it and couldn’t talk to someone in a quest without asking: “is dis future AR ?”

True true. Point could be made though that they were added alongside Nightborne in 7.3.5, and Nightborne hardly feel like a reskin to me, so idk

They were 4 allied races in that patch:

Nightborne and Void Elf gave each faction a popular model of the other

LF/HM which were both more limited reskins of an existing race

So at least it was balanced.

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I would play Taunka in a heartbeat


Same. I really prefer the Taunka over the HT.

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