Going by logic, the Taunka control huge parts of Northrend. They have their places in the boren tundra, the howling fjord, Grizzly hills and Dragonblight. It would makes sense now that these parts of Northrend belong to the Horde. It would also make sense if the leader of the Taunka would get a place on the Horde council. In this case the name is Ronauk Icemist. What does the community think? Are the Taunka maybe one of the most viable allies of the Horde?
Well same as always, everything about them fits the Horde, lore literally makes them Horde, and yes they probably would have a seat in the council if Blizzard wasn’t so stubborn in making sure WoW’s universe is all about the player’s (and by extension the playable races’) impact on the world
But will they ever make it out of WotLK ? Will Northrend ever make it out of WotLK ?..
First of all.
No, they do not control huge parts of Northrend. They literally only live in it. They don’t hold rulership of these regions and have only ever lived to make use of its resources just like any roving tribe would.
It’s better to therefore say that the Horde has a considerable presence in Northrend through the Taunka. And as far as I am aware, yes, the Icemist being apparently the most significant of the tribes does make them viable allies, at least in terms of mastering the environment they are suited in.
But they, like other races and cultures that have interacted with the Horde and aren’t identifiably core, will probably still be ignored.
The Taunka are more spread over Northrend then the Tauren are on Kalimdor. I say the population of the Taunka is bigger then what the Tauren got.
Stats, please?
If you’re going to just name 3 places, I will throw Mulgore, Stonetalon, Thousand Needles, Dustwallow Marsh on you.
Still doesn’t make them rulers or controlling of the place just because they live there.
Lorewise they’re not allies of the Horde, they are Part of it.
They are not many, but still powerfull warriors that should in my oppinion have been playable before many others.
They’re just behind Ogres in the “Should be playable” list for me.
Also they, like many natives don’t claim ownership and share the land with Tuskarr, Furbolgs, earthen, Frostdwarves, Gorlocs, Magnataur, as well as populations from every then playable race in different parts of northrend.
We could’ve had Taunka
Instead we got Tauren BUT MOOSE ANTLERS! WAOW!!!
A race that is a lost opportunity, could be playable and yet they are not. But look on the bright sight with Highmountain as AR, Horde technically holds dominance over Broken Isles xD
Well, to be frank here, Roanauk is the High Chieftain of all Taunka tribes (be them Icemist or otherwise). And he was the one that pledged allegiance towards the Horde.
The plain Tauren may be extended across several zones of Kalimdor, but not all their tribes fall under the command of the High Chieftain that is part of the Horde.
In all, in terms of political weight, i’d say Roanauk ranks slightly above Baine and a bit behind Mayla.
Baine’s “strength” comes from his ties to the Horde. Roanauk’s one comes from the fact that he is the de facto leader of all the Taunka that live across Northrend.
Not entering the whole “Whose army is stronger” or “Who owns which land” (by definition most of their kind are nomadic).
But in terms of politics…Roanauk indeed should’ve had quite a relevant presence.
Par on Mayla to say the least.
on this i actually agree with you on they should be playable and have a bigger part of things as they are part of the horde and i think they deserved to be used as the race recruitment more than some others we got
“Due to being forced to migrate from their homes by the encroaching Scourge, the taunka have largely given their allegiance to the Horde”
seems like they “joined” the horde just to survive out there
quessing you didnt play through wrath of the lich king then as they were happy to join the horde
You could take the text you quoted, leave a blank space in the “Threat” and “Homeland” places, and you’d have the template that describes how/why EVERY race decided to join either faction.
Draenei? Worgen? Blood elves? Goblins? Tauren? Gnomes? Darkspear?..
Make a pick.
Exactly. Also Forest Trolls.
This is really a very common theme, but it’s not bad either.
I can’t understand why the Taunka are completely ignored and why the High Mountain were introduced to take their AR spot. I wouldn’t say they hold a lot of land. They should have been playable long ago in my view.
The writers now have to kill off the Taunka and say “they got corrupted” to hide what a mess they created with this stupid council and how incompetent they are.
I hate these writers, so, so much.
Yeah Highmountain def should have joined lorewise and been represented in player experience through customization options. They’re the only ones among Horde AR that really feel like reskins to me… I mean maybe Mag’har too but lore makes them quite unique. Other Horde AR frankly feel like almost brand new races.
… which is why it would have been the perfect occasion for Taunka to step in. Ahhhhh
Oh, don’t get me wrong.
I didn’t mean to say that it’s bad per se.
But more like an occurrence that happened most of the time that in no way diminished the “value” of any potential allegiance.
“We need each other to survive” isn’t a reason to dismiss anyone’s proposal to join the team.
Of course i understand it and didn’t meant it as ac counter to your point.
I agree it’s gotten to a point where they uses it a bit too often.
i think it was kind of a “lesser” evil,
garrosh probably went like, or u join my horde or i crush u along side everyother non-horde that comes our way.
Did you do any of the Quests there?
We basically saved their asses from the scourge, saved their chief from certain death, told them we were part of the Horde and how cool it is and he was like “cool can we join?”… no force, no Garrosh (who wasn’t even warchief back then) nothing like that…