The toxicity of this game is higher then ever before

For the past two years I am observing something really unusual. Most of the players, groups, guilds, trade-chats contains a large amount of players that is not afraid of behaving very toxic towards you. I know that in the past we had also toxic people but in my opinion, this problem increased to the level that I am not even interested in doing dungeons anymore because there is very high chance on getting kicked for reasons like this:

  • Lack of heirlooms
  • You didn’t wanted to kick the people that leader wanted to kick so instead they kicked you
  • You died
  • You’re lower then then player X in dungeon Z so you have to be bad
  • Premades group just wanted to feel some power over you

And that’s not all of course, but other than that, you have constant harrasing, flame over your race/spec (yes race, people actually kicked me from dungeons and the reason was that I was playing vulpera), dps, transmog, even once I was harassed because of my nickname!

Lately this increased. At least in my opinion. Is there any chance to do something with it?

Here is a screenshots and it’s just from today - situations like this are almost everyday and it’s starting to be really exhausting for me.

Sorry for my english it’s not my native.


Sadly Op there’s a group of certain indviduals on this forum who will turn this around to being your own fault in some shape or form, but yes I’ve seen it too most people are just horrible.


I think Shadowlands will remove some of this, with heirlooms being less of an issue, brand new players sharing less time with more experienced ones and less levels to get through… but there will always be some toxic players out there.

In dungeons I ask if someone is new if I think they need help and I’ll point out important stuff if they need it. I also encourage newer players to speak up, not everyone will be helpful but if you do that you’ll more often than not find players willing to help too. But still, there will be those who won’t. It’s a big community with a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds and for some reason not all of them are going to be very nice.

Seemed pretty good to me.



Nothing new. People will always be complete and utter (redacted) because they know there is no serious repercussions.

And like has been said before. Expect a flurry of replies ranging from either…

Find some friends.
Find a guild.
Git Gud.
It never happened to me never happened to you, you’re just attention seeking

But none of which will bring any closer the problem of people being as nasty as they can to each other just because…

They can.


There’s also the “this is the Internet, learn to expect meanness and grow a thick skin, otherwise you won’t make it”.


Yeah. That one ALWAYS makes me laugh, usually used by people who themselves are so thin skinned when the tables are turned they can’t smash that report function any quicker.


Majority of the group voted to kick you. That is not vote abuse. It happens, even if you consider it to be unfair.

The person in the SS is very childish, but honestly so are you for engaging in that conversation and fueling the fire of that argument.

Bad people exist and the kick system needs a overhaul. It could be designed in a way that there’s no negative consequence for either leaving, kicking or being kicked.

Being kicked is not the problem, it’s the deserter. Deserter was a solution before the game had automatic temp ignore (which exists now, for example on report) because otherwise you would get queued back into the same group.

If nothing triggered deserter but temp ignore instead, people could leave or kick and be happy.


The problem you have there is that I guarantee you at least 2 other players hit yes without even thinking about it asking “why we kicking X?” because they just want to get rid of that pop up.

Personally I never hit yes unless it is very clear why the kick was initiated. If I ask and get no answer, I assume there is a petted lip quivering in rage behind the vote being started so I hit no. If they get kicked so be it. Such is WoW , “democracy” but at least I didn’t kick someone just spite someone or soothe someone’s ego.


So. Much. This. The deserter debuff needs a complete rework imo.

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Not looking to disregard your statement. But I find curious that this seems to be only happening in the leveling dungeon galore spam.

Which I find curious, I don’t level alts this days but the only other place I see things like this one is when I happen to try LFR.

Yeah I understand “find a guild” is an old track but I wholeheartedly say that I almost never encounter this type of behaviour ingame. Even in some true shxtshows during M+ or any HC pug.

idk how thats even possible to occurr more than once in a short time.
Either you really are bad, or you’re exaggregating one sad story into multiple ones.

i got kicked once in my life (from leveling dungeon). I was leveling a pally and it was vortex pinnacle i think, i wasn’t doing anything bad, just stumbled upon angsty teenager players that showered me (and the other player that wasn’t from their circle jerk) with heavy insults. Idk why, it just happened :smiley: and was rather entertaining to watch.

one such event in hundreds of leveling dungeons i played (i usually leveled through dungeons, hated questing especially in TBC, WOTLK and Cata zones) is not representative for the entire experience.

my observation is that about 95% of players simply rush without talking. Not a single word, just run forward and kill stuff.

Yes, OH MY GOD yesssss. Finally. I made a vulpera and I have been kicked from almost every single dungeon I have played. Becaues I’m a vulpera. I kid you not. People in front of orgrimmar as I’m queueing for dungeons, will randomly walk up to me and literally start insulting me on a personal level because…I’m playing a vulpera.

Additionally, I see it too often, people try to turn this kind of post against you. Don’t let it get to you. It has happened to me, getting kicked by premades for no reason at all. Salt to the wound, I get deserter for 30 min. Disgusting.

The toxicity doesn’t stop there, it carries on into m+. But you’re all aware of groups asking for 2.8k rio for a +15. And recently, I’ve been getting declined by people because…I kid you not…I am a druid and multiboxers use druids so they don’t want to invite druids because they hate all of them because a few people use them to multibox.

I don’t get what’s happening but I feel like this is only the beginning of something really bad.


Internet gets more toxic every year. I miss the days of us all just calling each other noobs, they were simpler times…

Suggestion on how to fix this though…

Have an honor system, get good feedback +1 point. Get bad feedback -2 points.

While that is happening… Blizz opens new server that only people with enough points can “for free” move there characters to.

And before you say “hang on super that wouldn’t work would be a ghost town for those few nice people that manage to get in”

Well just like warmode they could turn on “toxicity” which would allow them to shard with other servers if they wished. Not that I expect anyone to use of course.

Might take a couple years but what a lovely server that could be… added bonus trade chat would be for trade, multi boxes wouldn’t be there, and you could grab a drink at lions pride inn without people jumping on the tables.

Vulpera are everywhere now, they’re taking over the Horde, and there’s only one way to treat a them…

Pet them. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


To a certain extent I agree, but pretty much all of us play WoW to have fun and not to have unpleasant conversations with others.

I personally think that WoW has an enormous problem with toxicity. People having a venomous attitude face little to no repercussions and have a lot more power in a group than they should. Oh, the Healer is not catering to my personal and irrational standards? Gosh, better throw a tantrum and leave the M+ group! Want to do an Island Expedition with your friend but you can’t queue with just two people? Oh well, better kick the stranger and give them the deserter debuff! Sure, I fail every mechanic in the raid on LFR difficulty, but I should have the right to be aggressive and hostile to the players who have a lower item level.

Blizzard wants to recruit new players, and that’s fine, but people being berated for saying they are new and need some more time to get accustomed to the dungeon is not foreign to WoW and happens way too often.


I like the green name floating on the background, ‘Goodfella’

Anyway,just Ignore and continue your gaming life.

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gladiator feel the need to show off in a leveling dungeon to some random ( sry ) casual?
i have strong feeling he got carried and overcompensated. My assumption is that real glads can kill opponents and have fun that way. i would blame boosting!

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Black Mirror vibes. Jk, but I personally find this kind of tools… Arbitrary? Not sure that’s the best word to describe but just dividing folk into good/bad karma.

Too simple.