Hello. I would like to petition Blizzard to fix the earmuffs from this months trading post.
When transmogging to the earmuffs any piercings will just go missing on Human (Haven’t tested other races).
My nose piercing is just magically gone the second I cover my ears with some Lion earmuffs and this is unacceptable.
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Nose piercing is metal and it will feel cold on skin on winter
It is odd that it removes the face jewellery, I wonder what other customisations it affects.
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All piercing likely if its the same logic as with the nose one.
Guess the earmuffs weren’t so poggers after all huh
It’s a lie u sure about that?
Goblin jewelry is different, they consist of bolts and such
So you’re saying they actually improve your appearance basically. That’s what transmog is supposed to do though
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I am saying nothing, its not worth it all i can say
All that is worth is mount pets toy and a bottle of high volume of alchol all good.
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I wish to know if goblin bolts and springs for jewelry are hidden by ear warmers
At least the ear muffs let you keep your hair unlike so many other head tmogs
On most races face piercing is the same as ear piercing.
And a lot of headgear hides that.
Don’t know if they can actually fix that, without redoing how their piercing system works.
Anyway, I like the look of the muffs, but I think they’re overpriced.