The Tree Outside My House Burned Down

you mean


Conspiracy confirmed!!!11!


Are we sure it wasn’t some human fire mage trying to impress the night elf women with his magic tricks?

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Insurance fraud is disgusting.

You’re the reason I have to somehow prove I didn’t purposely get hit by the blind elderly woman who stole a car after tripping over a raised pavement, squashing a dog, panicking and going on the run; to claim £800 for the damaged rear end of my new car.

You burned it down for a payout and you know it.


Is that why Tyrande has gone psycho/mary sue? Overreacting to hide her involvement?

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I was made an MVP after the new forum system and I have one lonely green character and that’s it :smile:



You need a name change…

May i suggest changing the “o” to an “a”?

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Lets all sing the song dedicated to the poor wee night elf ladies that fateful night…


Have you no compassion for the surviving night elves who had to watch their home and their families destroyed? :fire: :sob:

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No, no I do not.


No I call it progress.

The tree was taking up valuable real estate, a prime location overlooking the beach and with close by amenities such Darkshore and a fabulous resort on a neighbouring island with a crashed spaceship with very hospitable space goats.

Build some hotels…some leisure facilities. yes. Sylvanas had the right idea she just lacked the vision.

Now if you’ll excuse me I have contracts to arrange with various construction companies.

However we will be requiring construction workers so if you’re interested, apply in Stormwind or Ironforge to arrange an interview.

I’m particularly interested in your skills at statue building, i see Night Elven statue construction everywhere and such skills I trust have not been forgotten over the years.


Humans are traitors of alliance they are behind this all the time. In SL we will found out that Sylvanas working with humans. They are selling weapons to both sides of conflict…Actually humans will be third faction in SL.

Sure, let’s ignore the fact that we were the founding members of the alliance… :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe they got bored of the others and are like crap how do we get rid of them.

That could actually work. I was more objecting to the “traitor” part.

Now that’s a power move. Establish an alliance and then betray everyone in it for personal gain.

Scumbag move.
But also power move.

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Jeez, thanks for the spoiler :cry:

You keep off my land. I can’t speak for the rest, but I am not hospitable :wink:


Not exactly everyone is it?

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