The Tricked-Out Thinking Cap quest

This quest doesn’t appear after getting the thinking cap and putting it on/using it. If you speak to Fangil Hoot with the tricked out thinking cap buff on, she only says this when you speak to her: Yes, you’re protected! Now we can talk…

I tried to report this as a bug, but I can’t find the bug submission forum on the EU forums. I can find them on the US forums, but they won’t let me post unless I have a level 10 character, which I don’t on the US servers.

You can’t progress any further, as she won’t offer the quest The Tricked-Out Thinking Cap.


Hi! I have same problem with my main and 3 other…i have openet ticket about this…i did what they told to do…renamed game retail folders like they said and delete every addons etc .nothing happened…have done this quest with 4 alts and same problem…and i have items the cap,torch and idol of…but when i finished quest i dont get the next ones so it progress to whodunnit? achiement…please help!

Thats because you don’t report bugs on the forums in the EU. You report them in-game via the bug reporting tool (and not a GM ticket).

Have you unlocked worldquest in dragonflight?? And done some campaign storylines in dragonflight… i had the same problem first, but i continued doing storylines few days and when i unlocked worldquest in dragonflight areas i notise that i can continue thinking cap quest line and other whodunnit? Ach quests…:slight_smile: so do that and you will get continue the secrets of azeroth whodunnit? Questchain