The true value of Windfury Totem

So this is a bit of an uncommon post for this forum, but I hope you guys find it interesting nonetheless.

I’ve been wondering for a while about the exact value of Windfury Totem. It’s a buff, yes, but it’s harder than with other buffs to quantify how much of a difference it makes. So I decided to analyse just that and come to you with some numbers!

Windfury Totem — Gives main-hand attacks a 20% chance to hit once more.

Case study: Terros Heroic, Killer Rogue player (I’m not allowed to say the spec name)

Fight time: 6:32
Total auto-attack hits: 836
Extra hits due to WFT: 76 (~9.1% of total)
Damage from those hits: 152k, average 2k per hit

Damage per WFT cast (scales from 1 to 5 players): 47.5k—237.5k*
Raid DPS increase (scales from 1 to 5 players): ~400—2000+ DPS

* Disclaimers:
This is just auto-attack damage and doesn’t take into account compounding benefits, like extra procs or rage generation. This is the damage a dual-wielding Rogue does with auto-attacks; the numbers would look different with 2H weapons.

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Bloodmallet actually has diagrams for wf totem.

As Alazbatyr said down, bloodmallet already has a page with multiple specs and what they get from windfury.

What you did is partially correct, although the problem is that you are forgetting that those “extra” attacks from wf, actually can proc on hit effects (anything from poisons to extra energy, to trinkets).

This is the reason why arms warriors are by far the best suited for wft, cause they have their main resource generation linked to AA, which is increased by 20% with windfury totem.

In bloodmallet actually they ran “sims” with and without WFT, and have the exact numbers on what the totem provides to each spec.

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