The undead and night elves should team up and create a 3rd faction

We can be neglected trash together

Also sorry about the tree we’ll help fix it


Invite the trollolols too…

Vanilla: ST was all about killing trolls + ZG + this one instance in Tanaris
Wotlk: a whole zone about undead evil trolls. This is debatable…
Cata: ZG/ZA remake cause killing trolls is fun.
MoP: Troll raid… forgot its name.
WoD: No trolls to kill anymore? Orcs are a good substitute i guess…
Legion: Still no trollsraids… But killing the best Troll ever by a trashmob is a great move.

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Lightforged and Void Elves should be their own faction too. Orcs and humans, of course. I heard Tauren and dwarves like each other, would be nice to finally see them cooperating. Pandaren and playable Mogu would be nice. Gnomes and goblins are almost too easy a way to progress the world (any change is progress). They really should experiment! While they aren’t bad at ruining the lore, they could be so much better!

Nelves should unite with Taurens and kick all those nsty alliens back to their eastern kingdoms and clear sacred kalimdor of all that filth. And after that build huge wall!

Please dear, do be so… Orc!
A giant shield, like in Suramar!
Just in continental-scale
No more naga invasion (tho I don’t have problem with them, after all, Family is Family), no more fleets, invaders, “refugees”, settlers… demons or Old God minions…
Not to mention the filthy little goblins or… ugh… undead
Or undead goblins
And as an extra: no more crashing Naaru/Draenei ships from above!

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Better idea break the non sense of 2 factions system from vanilla and bring back the original factions from Warcraft 3:

  • Humans;
  • Orcs;
  • Night Elves;
  • Undead;

Who in their right mind though this would work out in terms of lore, is beyond me …

Even more baffling, destroying what little bonds the 4 factions had (Forsaken/Horde, Night Elves/Alliance) in BfA and thinking, everyone would be cool with that by the end.


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We will also allow former family memberslooks at blood elves and nightborn as long as they respect nature ofcource

It might come to that. Well, maybe not 3rd faction, but Nelves and Forsaken together.

The reason why this might - just might - be feasible, is the fact that Tyrande has (finally) shown some independence with regards to the Alliance when she stormed off to Darkshore to get things done.
The safe haven cinematic hints at Thrall/Saurfang gaining the upper hand within the Horde, so the Forsaken are going to be ‘‘the sacrifical lamb’’.

So, while the Night Elves may leave the Alliance because they are dissatisfied with the non-help they had to suffer, despite aiding the Alliance both in Silithus, KulTiras and Zandalar. The Forsaken are more or less being ousted from the Horde.

So, all the ‘‘undead Nelves’’ could be put to ‘‘good use’’ by teaming up?

Add the San’Layn and you have a potent cocktail for the rest of Azeroth^^ Question is just, will Sylvanas and Tyrande be able to patch up???

You got that hint cause they beat two Forsaken nobodies?

What ? You’re still not neglected trash ! Only when they’ll be done with Sylvana’s story!

I can’t get over the “Elune made your eyes black and you have a blessed hammer for crafting profession, end of story!”

The idea of NE, Gilneas people and Undead living together in harmony is pleasant to me.


Not really. I got that impression because Thrall and Saurfang are top notch Horde npcs and the Forsaken were pictured in an ominous light.

Took me way to much to note the sarcastic tone. More than I’m willing to admit.

So i cant cast blizzards or glacial spike trees or anything?

Only if it’s arcane tree or something like that…

But how else im i gonna make space for a pool or a podium or a fine bar?
Cut the trees with my hands? Or dig into dirt with shovel?

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Well you can take alot of land that was used by green savages. I am sure that barrens bar will be the most popular establishment :slight_smile: It’s warm it’s not always night there and it has a beach, best place for pool with umbrella drinks

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Let’s go down together :musical_note:

Let’s kill Trolls as Troll!

This is actually the reason, why Zandalari Paladin does not make any sense. Bubble Heard can not work. Does not matter where you Heart to. The Inn is already farmed/raided.

Easy setup, the Forsaken kill the rest of the Night Elves and they are all willingly raised back up as Forsaken. It is perfect.


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