thats really hard choice and annoying…but tbh the first week you do your q and be done for the week, so at least for the weekend MHW will be my choice of game.
Well, easy choise for me atleast cause I dont even know what the other is but wow Ive played past 20 years and plan on playing in future aswell. The choise is like “how many slices of pepperone pizza would you like” and answer is “yes”
Isn’t it weird that I’m more hyped about Mists of Pandaria Classic than I am about this patch?
I’m happy that it’s releasing because I like the goblin theme, and I was on the PTR, played a little with the classes, and checked everything out so it’s going to be a fun season in M+.
But still, I’m more excited for Mists of Pandaria Classic this summer than I am for this expansion’s content patches.
I was planning to be so deep into Civilization VII that I wouldn’t even spare WoW a thought, but Civilization VII hasn’t really…how to say it…hit the mark as of yet.
And since my WoW subscription is still active, because in ages past I thought I would be having a great time in WoW for a long time to come, I think I may just blitz through the new zone and see where the story is going. But I will also say that my interest in Goblins galore is lukewarm at best. I will dip my toes, and that’ll be that…unless Blizzard have an ace up their sleeve.
If the choise is between wow and game I dont know or the akronym used for it and the double cheese pepperone pizza would be wow I would say yes and thank you for the pizza with pepperone and cheese. Thats pretty easy choise tbh.
Any tech related gadgety class design would become also main for me aswell. You are right 11.1 seems to be towards such theme and its been awhile since Ive been in gnomeregan or in such themes so I welcome it.
Super excited for the patch but my sub will run out before it goes live.
Would extend the sub, but im starting to feel burnt out again so i better not.
iirc, there were suggestions from Blizz a while ago that the turn-around time for these three expacks would be faster than usual, with teams working further ahead than previously. But given how buggy their content is, I have no confidence this will be achieved tbh.