The Undermine(d) Content Update is Now Live!

You’re right, what I should be doing is coming here to hate all day.

My bad.

in my opinion, both of these reactions are inadequate )

You are a nightelve with a dead Bear on your head you don’t get to talk about things being ugly

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you’re making an extremely stupid argument, so you have no right to judge who has the right to say that the patch is ugly )

No one has the right to say the patch is ugly.

You had a whole nightelve patch now we get a goblin patch

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wrong. those who have studied what Blizzard has done on PTR may say so.

One of the big patch features is making us “Mario kart” around the zone (Not sure if or why we would need that, but it’s coming…), allowing flying would make that a completely moot point, wouldn’t it?

Saying ‘a patch is ugly’ is weird. A patch lacks the attributes to be labeled as such.
Certain content within a patch can be ugly. But that’s usually a subjective thing.

Anyway… DRIVE is stupid.
That’s a proper claim! :smiling_face:

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You can still Mario kart even though you are able to fly when not mario karting. Ofc, if the zone is a huge building(like an instance) it makes sense not to. I just don’t like no fly zones, but I do not mind not flying inside instances. Instances are limited space, and often(not always), structures that can be considered buildings.

It has nothing to do with convienience, despite popular belief. To me the fantasy aspect of seeing an area from the sky is pretty big. I love great views IRL too, and live at the top of a cliffside in Norway. I just don’t understand the feeling of being grounded being so immersive. I can’t relate to that. I see the ground when I am not flying, but when I fly, I get a way better overview which adds a lot to my impression of the zones. I can only hope this new zone feels right as grounded. I wouldn’t want to fly in a low sealing cave for example - that makes no sense to me.

Saw in reddit post. It’s easy read about 26 Feb and 5 March

Looking forward to new patch and new content! The goblin theme is not universally loved, but I think it will be something different, play well, and probably be more fun than the theme looks!

Hopefully I won’t be a deer in headlights :eyes:

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What a cope.
You have no idea how gameplay/gearing/content will look like at all.

But you pretty much know you will have fun during the Midnight expansion because God/Unicorn told you so?


guys im confused
is this saying that we go on 11.1 one month earlier??
didnt they say its march 5? or 6?
this means 1 day left to 11.1?

I really hope you managed to fix the reported bugs and it is not going to be halfa**ed as usual. Right? Right?

You have a god/unicorn that tells you things? Wow!!


S2 starts on 5th March, so things like M+, raids, PvP season.

The new content drops on 26th Feb which will be all the new zone, story, questing etc

This is a US infographic so the dates are a day out but the list will show what is included on each date:-

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I have an undead pony that tells me things. Though he mostly just asks for slurpy pears.

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Do this patch tomorrow up 10-11am, right? Or Early morning?

Do I have to do a million quests in order to get into the new dungeons + raid next week, or can I largely ignore the new zone?

I don’t think anybody knows yet. Maybe just the campaign to be safe.

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