The Undermine(d) Content Update is Now Live!

It may be back up earlier, sometimes it’s faster on EU side

Often the servers are up before then but it’s a good excuse for a lie in!

oh allright

you failed reading comprehension hard here lmao

Not at all


Damn, JUST when Tah was about to quit for the 1834184275th time!

Thanks for logging in to some alt to try and insult me.
Care to reveal your regular forum identity? :upside_down_face:

Anyway your reply is nonsense. I have quit WoW once. Near the end of WotLK.
I intended to never come back to the game. Of course, years later in WoD that changed.

I have taken breaks from the game, sure. Different thing though.
So… Did you have an actual point besides trying to antagonize me? :blush:

Agreed, there’s a reason why I don’t have any Goblin alts. I just don’t find them interesting at all. Guess I won’t be playing much this time around, I looked at the videos and patch notes and for the first time in WoW I just thought “Meh, boring” I will probably try it, but not for long.

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The Underlag has arrived.

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