After defeating The Underpin on ?? difficulty solo, you’re unable to loot him, nor do you get given the schematics for the gold skin.
You’re also forced to reset the instance after each attempt, otherwise you’ll have the adds spawn up on the walls, making it impossible to kill with the bombs. This happens anywhere between 2-3 attempts, or about 7ish minutes being inside of the same instance.
I believe this is a known bug, but why is it taking more than a week to fix? It’s a single delve, with 1 mob.
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Hey Mankey,
It looks like this issue was hotfixed yesterday, and you should now be able to loot the schematic as intended.
Our developers work as quickly as possible to address bugs when they’re reported or found, however, I’m afraid that there’s no instant solution.
Bugs are generally prioritized based on their impact, and complex bugs may take more time to resolve than others, even if they seem easy to identify or reproduce. It’s also very important to make sure that the fix works correctly and does not cause other issues elsewhere.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, and good luck on your next run!
This doesn’t seem to be fixed in-game yet. After seeing the support page stating it’s fixed, I went to kill it again on ? as well as ?? on a character that hadn’t done it yet, but still nothing received when beaten. Tried relogging, etc, but still nothing.
I’ve submitted a bug report regardless anyway, just incase.
Same problem still, killed it just now, first in ??, no schematics, then on ? still no schematics.
Hey all and thanks for the fresh reports!
This has been passed along and we are taking another look.
Hope a solution is found shortly.