due to the last post having 0 comments,I post this.
the name may confuse,so I clarify,being a priest isn’t a must,we require your character to be a “wise” or “believing” in any god,the point is like a neutral botany band style,focusing on belief,gods,ancient lore,and adventuring.
scribes are welcome aswell,and those who come may also find a glyphs and scrolls market once in a while.
the adventures start in Halaa,in the benches and podium.
(I also created a discord server with the theme that is also made for all of moonglade RP)
please write a comment if you are interested in the events.
the event is today at 8:00 PM ,and is happening every Thursday
after preparing everything,only one person showed up. a young looking illidari,even only with her,we had a talk of faith,philosophy,belife and judgement. Next time will be in Shattarath,in front of Adal.I hope next time will be better for us,a matter of time,untill we lift off.
This thursday I do have a guild event, so I won’t be there. I hope to show up one day., because our server needs these open events and I do love them myself.
I made this with some friends, as an improved realm server too.you can have an ooc chat,a raid voice chat,an ic chat if you wanna talk ic on discord,a notice board for new activities,voice chat for RP,and even more! search for Moonglade RP and the united priesthood of Azaroth (it doesn’t want links in the post)
Alternatively, you can use preformatted text (</> on the menu or surround it with backticks/grave accents: `[your text here]`). The link is then displayed as shown below and is easier for people to copy.
Which Shattrath, by the way? (I’m bogged @ work, so I can’t come anyway - and probably couldn’t even if I wasn’t, because of my casual altoholic low level
This was enjoyable though I suggest being a bit clearer as to what you are aiming to do in any event. It doesn’t have to be much, can be as simple as having a discussion about things or it can be a full on adventure but if people have an idea of what they are joining in with it will make it a little easier to get the ball rolling in terms of conversation and direction.
Maybe have people discuss their faiths first and find common connections on which your group can move forward and make goals?
Kathia may not attend these in future (not out of lack of interest, just not really something she fits in well with) but I do hope to have a more relevant character have access to Elixirs by the time of the next event.