The uselessness of curses in PVE

Warlock curses are awesome, and it would be nice if they were actually useful in PvE , in PvP it’s a different story with amplify curse, especially for affliction, they are really good.

But in PvE, It’s not even a suprize to say that anyone can spend weeks, raid nights and m+ included, without casting a single curse.

  1. Curse of weakness doesn’t do much, it’s not like you’re going to have to cast it or the tank is going to die, from boss auto attack damage, and that’s because auto attack damage isn’t even scary anymore, it’s usually the AoE magical effects are the ones that hurt the raid in general, or maybe tank busters (special boss attacks that are designed to do a lot of damage to the tank), and curse of weakness doesn’t affect these, all it does is increase the time between attacks, which is irrelevant damage.

  2. Curse of tongues is more useless than curse of weakness, if you can believe that, because if there’s a mob with a dangerous spellcast, then yes you can curse it, but you can also interrupt it and solve the problem more permanently, with melee classes having less cooldown on their interrupts.

  3. Curse of exhaustion can help the tank kite in dungeons, which is very rarely needed, especially when you’re applying it via vile taint as affliction, as it’s AoE and you don’t need to waste extra globals on using it, but other than that I’ve never even thought of casting it on anything in the raid.

to solve this, I do think these things should be more of a raid cooldown type of thing, where you can cast them and really feel their effect, but they have a cooldown, kind of like what aura of enfeeblement (hellcaller talent) is trying to do.

what do you think, do you agree with me, or do you think they should stay as they are now?
I’d like to hear what people have to say about this and especially what are their ideas for a change

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Hey there, I believe the curses are strong, however they lose value upon the fact that you have to manually spread them. I hope in the upcoming patch that the devs try and tinkeer with our curses to give them more utility such as a way to aoe spread them. Since I believe that is what is holding them back, of course that would not be the best utility in the game but it would be a step up to what we have at the moment. 20% less attack speed on each mob can actually make a difference since a lot of the dmg taken by tanks is auto-attacks from mobs so still kinda huge, curse of tongues is kinda crazy, on certain mobs it just allows the tank and another melee dps to interupt the same mob, but it would also help on pulls with a lot of caster such city of threads, grim batol and so on (I know that we won’t have these dj next season but they’re good example of big caster packs), curse of exhaustion is the only dud in pve, niche uses for like the fox is tirna scithe, in pvp diffenrent story.

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That already exists in the game, and I mentioned it in the post.
It’s called aura of enfeeblement in the hellcaller tree.

Yes, but it’s not really that in the sense that you use Unending resolve which is a 1.5 to 3 minute cd and you have to be in melee. I agree with you that as of right now curses don’t feel quite as impactful, but I feel like for 5 man group content where our utility is lacking having a consistent way of applying our curses without too much hassle would be a good step to actually see if curses are really that bad.

You mean impending catastrophe the Shadowlands Venthyr covenant ability for Warlocks.

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