In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of The Venture Co in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Charactername: Lozaro
Faction: Horde
Class: Priest (Shadow at heart, Holy in Raid)
Race: Undead
Guild: Wayward Necromancer (EDITED NAME “-s”, my memory isn’t perfect)
Guildmaster/headofficer: Xecodus (Draconus?) / Sheda
Maintank: Lekray (Orc warrior w/ Thunderfury)
Calinaya (druid), Umbala (druid), Bloodeye (priest) a few people I remember from the guild.
Message: I’m just curious if there are any other Wayward Necromancers returning to WoW?
P.S. Rolling Alliance this time around for some change. 
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Characters: Ichka (Troll Priest), Niima (Blood Elf Paladin) and Nekori (Tauren Druid).
Played in the guilds Dance Macabre and Tiger.
A few names I remember were Gortesh, Sinker and Bamboca.
Any one else out there?
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Character: Draiden, Tauren druid
I really tried but cant remember the names of my old guilds, EXCEPT “Les Peons” or something, mostly Finnish peeps, miss you all! Anyone returning?
Character: Nérzha
Race: Troll
Class: Hunter
Guild: Northern Hellbounds
Where are you, my long lost Swedes?!
Character: Trixxi
Race: Undead
Class: Rogue
Guild: Ancient Circle
^___^ Sujech here! wzup!
Character: Sujech
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Guild: Ancient Circle
Everyone who was in AC! 
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Character name: Atshal
Faction: Horde
Race: Orc
Guild: Zaroth and then later Validus
Guild master: Pernicitas, Vicare to-be
Hoping to get into contact with ye other Zarothians or maybe even some people from Validus.
Charactername: Deranbedude
Faction: Horde
Class: Warrior
Race: Troll (used to be, never again)
Guild: Wayward Necromancers
Guildmaster/headofficer: Xecodus (Draconus?) / Sheda
Maintank: Lekray ninjaed and ran away…
Celcia here! Posting in the horde forum too.
Alliance Guild: Union of the codex
Horde guild: Howling Moon, The Cartel
I played a Night elf druid and the rerolled a Night elf priest and then rerolled an undead mage.
I remeber a lot of people but probably need to see their names again for a memory kick!
Had great fun mind controlling and making friends on both sides.
Raze orc warrior
Redrock Berserkers, Carpathians
Looking for any old clan geezers for some classic fun.
Character name: Ankeros
Faction: Horde
Race: Troll
Class: Mage
Guild: Burning Phoenix, Les Peons
I remember few names - Celana, Vakella and Whiptail from Burning Phoenix. Uld from Les Peons. I’ve been mostly active in TBC and WotLK era. Wondering if anyone coming back to Azeroth.
Tauren warrior
The Tide
These were the best days if WoW man ide love to meet yo with skme old TT members, im gonna be rolling on The zandalari tribe rp pvp server!
Charactername: Bloodeye
Faction: Horde
Class: Priest , Holy (what else
Race: Undead
Guild: Wayward Necromancer (without ‘s’
Guildmaster/headofficer: Xecodus (Dragonus) / Sheda
Probably I will start classic on the rp-pvp server, horde side.
Need to get in contact with Xec, to see if he will play.
Looking forward to it ! Awesome!
Horde of honor // Vixens //
Anyone from either guild. I also had alts in Les Peons although they migrate to another realm.
Character name: Nardhuur
Faction: Horde
Race: Orc
Guild: Soulburner, Validus
Guild master: Pernicitas, Vicare
It would be great to see fellow guildmates from TVC’s best horde guild of Validus
(Found one!)
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Character: Descad
Faction: Horde
Class: Warrior
Race: Tauren
Guild: Fates Encompassed
Just curious if there is would be many familiar people returning to classic.
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