The Vulpera are illegimate

The Horde has been made up of a council of governing racial leaders who decide as an alliance between the races on what happens inside the faction.

As much as it pains me to write that out, this means the Vulpera are illegimate and should be casted out from Orgrimmar immediatly.

The reason for this is that Baine, and Baine alone, decided that they could join the Horde, this happened after the council was set.

Baine should be put up to justice aswell for this atrocity and should be hung up on the spikes of Orgrimmar.

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The thing with Vulpera is they based of Gypsy/Romani culture, wandering.

They basically just opened a ‘‘trailer park’’ in north Orgrimmar with their caravanas

Horde is a pact of ‘‘outcast’’ tribes so Gypsy-fox people fit i dont think the warchief would mind them

Problem I have with Vulperans is this - As Horde, you help Zandalars because you have interest to have a strong force to help out the Horde and you want to prove that to them and I am fine with that part.

However, you sort of do the same with Vulperans but it’s not same kind of help. Zandalari Trolls look for someone like YOU to help them out because numbers are thin and Vulperans ask of YOU to help them out because they are weak and you just tend to help those in need.

All of this happens during “open war” with Alliance. They are merchants and nomads. I would rather have them run chores around Orgrimmar than joining in fight. You might accidentally step over one.

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That’s actually not it. They solve the Hordes problems that Baine ignored. I’m not a fan of them but that’s not what the story presented us with.

Baine is a problem yes but for different reasons. The Vulpera are good allies and the Horde can be proud to have them.

Were races that were accepted by a ruler that was deemed illegitimate by the people who are ruling now ever legitimately accepted? :thinking:

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