The War Within™ Season 1 and Raid Schedule Overview

I’ve just cancelled my subscription. Only 15 years in my case, but still a long time.

cant you just cancel the vacation or change it ?

So all the people who took time off to grind m+ when season 1 launches is just doomed now. When has a season ever launched without m+ being a part of that from the beginning?


Oh no. And it doesn’t matter.

For you maybe not, for some surely.

Oh, yeah. Sure. Because if I have 10 lvl 80 characters when the DLC launches surely will make all of the sudden the game unplayable for everyone else :roll_eyes:

If that would be the case, everyone joining WoW would already be at a massive handicap. Yet it isn’t…

[quote=“Heramaar-argent-dawn, post:26, topic:524165”]
will make all of the sudden the game unplayable for everyone else

Please dont put word in my mouth which i never said.

You didn’t say it but it really sounded like you meant it that way to me.

It is what it is

You will be fine because you are at a massive gear disadvantage to even attempt M+. Remember that M0 is now like M11 used to be.

Also, could someone tell me if the M0 dungeons will be TWW dungeons all expansion long and not the dungeons I have already done before and which I will forever refuse to do in a new expansion. Because I see already the line “heroic seasonal”…

Unless they’ve retuned m+ to be massively harder since I played it last on the beta, you’ll have more than enough gear to do m+, in heroic dungeon gear.

Ok, you are probably doing higher keys than me so I believe you.

I think this has a lot to do with giving themselves more time with the balancing etc. Because some people are demanding they delay the release by a few months already. I mean we can at least hope the dungeon tuning will not be as much of a mess it was at the start of DF :slight_smile:

I am so mad that I have to wait for content and I have to wait for things to open up oooh I’m so mad!!!

Reading some of these comments here reminds me of the girl from the Willy Wonka movie, who was yelling and complaining because she couldn’t have everything immediately and had to wait. People need to calm down. Didn’t your parents ever teach you to be kind and patient or is it too much to ask?

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I believe it’s the same principle as in dragonflight. All m0 dungeons to be the tww dungeons. The included seasonal old dungeons like mists/siege/necrotic/grim and such shouldn’t be included in the m0 list normally.

I hope so. But they mention “heroic seasonal dungeons” in that post, which leads me to believe that during season 1 heroic dungeons will be the same as m+ dungeons.

So some clarification would be really nice.

Also, never getting used to Hero, Champion Myth whatever :smiley:

Yeah i think heroic dungeons are just standard like usual aswell. Just the tww dungeons. They usually update these by ilvl each season on m0

Btw what do you think: reason to delay M+ is so that non-RWF Mythic guilds don’t have to run M+ 24/7.

Echo and Liquid are in partnership with Blizz for a few years I heard

M0 is going to be a daily lockout. There is no M0 before the start of the season.

I think I misread what you were talking about :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Guess they’re trying to cater to the top 0.1% by preventing people from gearing within the first week so they don’t abuse M+ for RTWF.

If this was an important concern for the game broadly, which for me it perhaps should be, then wouldn’t delay it by 1 week. That’s why LFR is further delayed, too.

Very strange decision. I think they need to figure out what they want with raiding. RTWF has derailed mythic mode. It was fun, but now it’s way too hard and negatively impacts the rest of the game.

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I guess rares will be timed again, and happy rare camping to everyone :smiley: