The War Within™ Season 1 and Raid Schedule Overview

Probably a reasonable amount. I was imagining 5+ or something daft. I like to take my time and focus on my main as long as possible.

How do you do this Blizz? How do you consistently take something that should be amazing and full of hype and good feeling and ruin it with stupid decisions? Do you hate praise? Or just love causing ill feeling amongst your player base? M+ and transmog are the only thing keeping your game alive and you alienate the m+ers before the expansion hits? What is wrong with you? Just release m+ with the start of the season!


I legit think they hate WoW players. You know the people of the dyed hair variety, that seem to hate everyone and everything. I think they are the new school devs. They ruin tanks, M+ late etc. They could fix the raid/m+ situation in a heartbeat by making m+ gear only work in m+/delve/open world. Like PVP gear that scales in PVP, no one wants to engage with trash raids. So they force people in to it.

I don’t think it’s ignorance but malice.

Heroic-week usually capped M+ rewards to +5/6 keys. But now a M0 is already a +10, so blizz delayed M+ opening.

I hate this super time-gated release schedule.

The previous one was bad enough with opening M+ 2.5 weeks after release. Why make it even worse by making us wait for 3.5 weeks?

Getting to max level will take casuals less than 10 hours. There is absolutely no need for 3.5 weeks of a “chill phase”.

The only meaningful thing to do in the first 3 weeks will be grinding up alts for professions to make gold. All the gearing in those weeks will be completely pointless.

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When does DF s4 end for getting rating in m+ and rated pvp?

Be kind and patient towards a billion dollar company that has one of the worst track record of handling the playerbase? How about not bootlicking them. People are mad because Blizzard cares more about the 0.1% of players instead of the 99,9%.


What do you mean? Blizzard has never listened to the community as much as they have since Shadowlands. That’s when they received a wake-up call and began to truly listen. Dragonflight is an expansion where many changes requested by players were implemented, but no matter how much they change, people will always find reasons to be angry.

This is the internet, where individuals can conceal their identity and freely complain and insult, as respect and manners are qualities most seem to lack nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, complain is fine but people get trigged by the smallest thing.

And why wouldnt do it? And fact that you admit people quit after beating LFR shows how LFR is bad for the game.

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Just reading this topic, I’d say because they lose some goodwill with their fans by doing something that is unpopular?

That makes no sense. If LFR was bad, then people wouldn’t wait for it so they could do it. They would quit beforehand and not even bother with it at all.

Ofc they would. Its path of least resistance to do content. Most people will awlays do what is easyest not matter of its fun or not.

Considering that Blizzard are introducing a solo story mode through raids that’s even easier, there really is no reason for anyone to do LFR expect because they enjoy doing it.

Yep they do another big mistake of several mistakes they did to make game more acessible.

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Yeah, what a mistake. :roll_eyes:

Yeah i do that aswell, but if i learned anything over the last years is that i tend to play a bit more early on, like first 3-4 months of each expansion and i like to play 2 or 3 different classes in that timeframe.
After those initial 3, i usually step it down to 1 main for a while and rotate characters if i feel like it.

Having them ready and leveled is a great way to easily keep them up to date with weekly chores.
Even though we seem to get way more weekly chores than DF, where the weekly quest was quite easy.

Heard somewhere there are atleast 2 weeklies to do for gear, but not 100% certain if that is correct.

I’ve been playing only FFXIV since 28th June… apparently. (It showed in my Blizz account as the last day I logged in to WoW when I went to cancel my subscription yesterday.) I’m surprised by how much I’ve got into it after playing nothing but WoW for 15 years. It’s a really good game.

M0 is not +10. M0 is what it’s always been - M0. That they’ve changed scaling to squish key levels doesn’t change the fact that M0 operates under different rules than M+. Rules which make it, for the majority of players, less rewarding and less fun.

This change seems like they imagine forcing players to do only M0 for the first week of the season because there’s no other option will magically make people realise it isn’t boring after all. It won’t.

Another interesting change:
For Myth-track gear now need to run +10 (instead of +8)

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