The War Within expansion

I’ve come back to WoW after a three year break and am interested in the new expansion. However, I’m not that bothered about end game, for me it’s all about levelling. That’s what I love in WoW.

Can anyone tell me what levelling is like with the new expansion please? I don’t want to purchase it if it’s as bad, or worse, than Shadowlands.


If what you enjoy is the leveling process then go play classic, in retail leveling is a chore that takes a few hours by spamming dungeons.

well if you are talking about the story campaign and dungeons 10/10


Leveling is fine, but very short. I play endgame but love myself the leveling experience as well, however this falls really short in TWW. Not due to the content but due to the fact that you can lvl from 1 to 80 in like 8-12 hours.

I am playing Classic fresh for the leveling experience. The world feels vibrant and brings me a smile on my face!

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leveling in TWW zones are one and done

you end up skipping it on alt in Brann delve NPC :slight_smile:

allso i did loremaster TWW and i have mixed feelings. but i wont speak about it cause it might give me a forum vacation

go leveling on classic, there you will have “journey”


I get what you’re all saying. At the moment I’m enjoying levelling through some old areas which I will continue to do. You’ve given me much to think about in regards to purchasing the new expansion. Thank you.


I came back in Dragonflight and for you as a returning player, I am sure you will like leveling in the new expansions, if you like Wow.
Classes are OP.
Music & scenery is amazing too in my opinion.


Who cares about classic?
It’s 20 years old.
Leveling from 1 to 80 on retail takes a good 2-3 days unless you speed run it, which a new/returning player most likely isn’t gonna do.


Story is good raid is good, if you a m+ fan avoid

Leveling now on retail literally feels like an another timegating useless mechanic to finally start playing the game. I don’t want to discourage you, but there’s no journey, no connection to the world because of many reasons. If you play completely casually then maybe yes, but imo it has literally no value anymore. I’m playing retail for over 15 years. I know how good it was before, and it’s not about nostalgia. The many changes they have introduced over those long years made to feel it that way. World scaling (probably the biggest one), warmode off on pvp servers made open world pvp dead, flying everywhere (there’s no connection, you don’t see players anymore, and you don’t interact with them like on classic, and that’s what mmo was all about), flying since 10lvl… phasing/layering etc. etc. Open world is useless, just a first step to do M+ or raids, and I’m done with fighting and giving them ideas each week, month or so. I’m tired. It will be my last expansion. The same situation like with Pearl Abyss and Black Desert Online. They know better, but the game is dying, and they are losing money this year, but Blizzard can just release another fomo 90$ mount, to milk the rest of us, and to cover the financial hole, because of decrease in the number of players.
Even the story is not that good like it used to (it is a bit better in TWW). Too many woke aspects, politics from irl, soy dragons, making the game for 8y old kids while over 80% of us are grown man and many other reasons.
I’m having a lot of fun on classic. The only version up to wotlk that had Warcraft in Warcraft.


Wah female character hurt my feefee wah gimme more macho white men and nothing else wah


you good ?

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im not trying to be a bad person here but dude…
buying a game for leveling part of it when 90% of players in planet earth are buying it for the contents of the time when you end your leveling and hit the max level…

even she is playing the game for better contents…
even if its about defending the bugs XD

Im fine just giving your post the response it deserves

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If you want an mmorpg experience play classic .

If you want fast content at the point you won’t even bother looking at your gear (2 hours for 35 lvl and i still had some pieces from 10 lvl and the stats due the scalling doesn’t even matter :smiley: )

Well i am a casual player that i enjoy pvp, the leveling experience is too low and unsatisfied, the game itself is nice as for a casual player you got things to do.
The most irritating thing is that everything is too damn easy… i mean yesterday i was doing a quest in an elite area (the one with the bees) and i was attacking 4 elites at the same time and killed them without breaking a sweat… this is unacceptable. There is no way that doing something in the world is making me try or reward me accordingly.
Just mindless killing of everything without challenge that in the end makes the game dull.
Also bring the /spit on persons back… stop with that sh*t about people get offended by everything… it’s a game that you kill and get killed and you mind about “in game mechanic manners”


it took me 3 days to level to 80, probably not your thing.

The best part of the expansion was xal’atath feet :foot:

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Leveling the first time in TWW is similar in concept to SL and Dragonflight… you have teh MSQ you need to complete, and numerous side activities like local quests or dungeon quests along the way, thous specifically in TWW you will be sent into a delve once (or was it twice?), just so everyone sees the new system at least once.

I personally always do “loremaster leveling”, taking every side quest with me on the way… I dinged Max just as I was exiting the Ringing Deeps (zone 2) to go to Hallowfall. This process (MSQ and full loremaster) took, including 6 hours of powerleveing my professions before actually leaving the New hub city, roughly 14 hours of “semi-sweatlording” (so, taking breaks every so often for a smoke, fresh air, food, but maintaining focus on completing the leveling and loremaster process and not logging on to alts or other activities that would not benefit the char currently being leveled.)

The overall experience was, in my opinion, one of the best and most streamlined we have had in many years. The story feels mostly connected, and not just like a collection of random events as in BfA or SL, and not as “flat” as in Dragonflight, there is an acutl narrative going on for those that wish to follow it. It really only depends on how much you care about the story and lore in general wheter you pick up on it or not.

The only real caveat is that those people that absolutely do not care about the world or story and only ever wish to level via dungeons or PvP still need to at least complete the MSQ once to unlock all the features at maxlevel. That said, only blasting though the MSQ and nothing else only takes about 2-3 hours if you go all in at levelcap, so IMO it still is an acceptable burden for those players.

But, no matter what anyone personally thinks, I think the majority of us would agree that it´s almost impossible to be as bad as or worse than Shadowlands was, and both Dragonflight and even moreso TWW are significant improvements overall :beers:


I’m pretty sure the hundred thousand of players who are playing right now on the fresh new servers do care, as well as those who enjoy leveling rather than endgame or those who preffer an older version of the game.

Also tone down a little bit.