The War Within Hotfixes - 13 February

How can you be this clueless about Timewalking ? Who cares if it’s a bit easier ? You probably want it to be the clown fiesta that BRD is ?

how can you make this hard for 0 reward, no mastery items, no usable gear.

Wasn’t there a post to strike the nerf on echo chamber 40% and acendance 150% for ele shaman? The PVP effect already from 75% to 25%. So now it dropped from 75% of 190%, to the 25% of a 120% total increase for burst dmg…this becomes worse than 11.0.2

With the current nerf to BM you havent comped their AOE and ST nerfs with anything. buffing multi shot dmg does legit 0, have u seen on logs what it does overall?. It feels like you guys are rushing changes without thinking what is getting changed. Please look more into it before u do big changes like that.

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So here we are again… Dear Blizzard you have now once again Nerfs BM hunters so bad that we can not play any were. We are not good at ST and with the ST nerfs you have done all so nerfed us in AOE. The changes to Bleak power hit us in AOE as well as ST in a 5 mob pack it now does 20% less dmg in a 4 mob pack it does 25% less dmg and so on.

Oh and btw buffing multi shot 100% ? 0x1000000000 is still 0

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iamgine the only reason they nerfing or talking on beast mastery hunter is that what they are saying ONLY APPLIES TO PVP in pve black arrow bm hunter is doing like 850 k dps single target at 626 IL LOL and they nerf it even more !! gg to ever getting into m+ pugs now !!


Can you pls fix Bm hunters so that we can play in keys and raids. With the last set of nerfs Dank Ranger is not playable in keys or in raid. Pls look over the Bleak Powder nerfs if you remove one target getting hit by it why can you not buff the numbers of it?

Thank you for your time opeing to see some buffs and NOT more nerfs.


October 30, 2024


  • Shaman
    • Elemental
      • Fixed an issue causing Ascendance to sometimes fire multiple Lava Burst Overloads at a single target.
    • Enhancement
      • Resolved an issue causing Stormblast to deal more damage than intended.

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Dawnbreaker
    • Resolved a Rasha’nan issue where Rolling Acid’s indicator could fail to be visible.
  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • Addressed some issues that could lead to player disconnects or lag when using abilities.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause teleports to send you to the wrong destination.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed a bug that caused Bronze Celebration Tokens to not be available from some PvP quests. Players should be able to gain the tokens by completing the quest on another of their Warband characters.

Yesterday, I noticed this spike lag in mythic+ dungeons in addition to the raid zone.

Edit: I spammed 6 mythic+ dungeons, no more spike lags.

And what about lag issues since the release of patch 11.0.5?
The game has never been so laggy, full of microspikes in raids and dungeons, repeated crashes and Blizzard remains almost silent on this subject?
It’s 2024, how can you offer us such a terrible experience with a subscription?

heroic rings/amulets from BRD cannot be socketed using setting

this entire raid is a circus but,
do more store mounts guys, its more money for you lmao.

The crafting drops are not working though.
I got my Slab of Slate from mining, but where are those engineering drops?
( Rust-Locked Mechanism&&Earthen Induction Coil)

October 31, 2024


  • Death Knight

    • Blood
      • Applied the recent Heart Strike tuning update to Dancing Rune Weapon Heart Strikes.
  • Hunter

    • Withering Fire will now consistently fire 3 Black Arrows and its target selection has been improved.
    • Withering Fire will now consistently fire the first shot in a Withering Fire barrage at your target if they are a valid enemy target.
    • Shadow Surge will no longer damage breakable crowd-controlled targets.
    • Hunter’s Prey’s target selection will now more-rigorously filter out-of-combat targets when casting multiple Kill Shots or Black Arrows.
    • Fixed an issue where Black Arrow and Withering Fire could hit targets that are breakable crowd controlled.
    • Black Arrow’s periodic damage will no longer cancel breakable crowd control.
  • Paladin

    • Lightsmith: Fixed an issue causing Tempered in Battle’s health transfer to break crowd-control effects.


  • Hallow’s End Water Buckets should now have a greater impact on Headless Horseman fires.
  • Once again, Zidormi is ready to assist players in joining in the Hallow’s End festivities in Tirisfal Glades.


  • Fixed an issue where all Concourse of the Forgotten Reservoir and Noetic of the Forgotten Reservoir appearances could not be transmogged in some circumstances.


  • Resolved an issue where players on a level 60+ character who entered Oribos could be trapped by Fatescribe Roh-Tahl.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed an issue that was causing some players to not see the quest “An Original Path Through Time” after the weekly reset.

These bug fixes for Dark Ranger look nice (although are still more bugs you have not addressed) but are worthless without the spec tuning.

How many more weeks does your AI (that you apparently use instead of QA team whom you apparently laid off) needs to realize the tuning has been completely messed up and inadequate and the DR spec is dead for anything remotely competitive?

My Free version GPT Bot identified the problem within 1 minute.


Just did a quick SIM after you implemented changes (my gear is 625), according to your logic Dark Ranger should be okay, now right?! Lets see:

Sentinel AoE 5 targets - 4.16 million DPS
Sentinel 1 target - 1.17 million DPS

Dark Ranger AoE 5 target - 3.21 million DPS (-30%)
Dark Ranger 1 target - 1.04 ( -12.5%)

-30 bloody percent damage inferiority compared to sentinel and probably 50-60% inferiority to some of the meta specs.

Your staff responsible for tuning is either some poorly scripted immitation of AI, or a son / nephew / crony of your CEO, because otherwise I have no clue how such an incompetent creature is not fired yet.

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Cool beans. Can we get some hotfixes for things such as the spike desyncs / the missing debuff apply on Silken Court Mythic?

Maybe some hotfixes so casting Bloodlust in a 30 people raid doesn’t completly brick the Queen Ansurek encounter?

It’s worrying that all the bugfixes you’ve posted are incredibly minor bugfixes when there’s so so so so so so so so so many major bugs out there.

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November 1, 2024


  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • The Recklessness granted by Warlord’s Torment now correctly has its additional Rage generation reduced to 25%.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Ancient Timewarped Scroll from dropping for players who completed “The Ancient Scroll” the week before. It should drop on your next Classic Timewalking run.

November 6, 2024


  • Hunter
    • Kill Shot and Black Arrow will now appropriately damage their primary target when out of combat.

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Dawnbreaker
    • Fixed an issue causing Rasha’nan to become immune when interrupted immediately after casting Acidic Eruption.
  • Nerub-ar Palace
    • The Silken Court
      • Fixed issue where Stinging Swarm will fizzle on the player if both Anti-Magic Shell and Prismatic Barrier are active.
      • Fixed an issue causing Oppressing Roar to extend the duration of Stinging Delirium on Takazj.


  • Addressed an issue with Earthen Horde characters not being friendly to all Horde factions.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented some class set items, which were in a bugged state, from being upgraded.


  • Fixed an issue that allowed Tier 2 Monk helms to let facial features clip through.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed an issue where “Disturbance Detected: Black Temple” could not be accepted if you were on or completed “Disturbance Detected: Blackrock Depths”.
  • Removed erroneous interactions with the Torch of Pyrreth.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Timewalking Dungeon Finder to require unreasonable item levels.
  • Fixed a bug where Ulduar Timewalking bosses were not always awarding their Timewarped Badges.

This is getting ridiculous.

Your 11.0.5 incompetent tuning made Dark Ranger a completely unviable dps spec that does 30-50% less damage than many other specs. And you’re not even making any attempts to remedy this blunder on 3d week of this horrid patch.

Sentinel DPS also got somewhat weaker than before 11.0.5. and the problem of its horrible, clunky gameplay that has been complained by hunters since start of TWW (the hated static Lunar Storm proccing from Rapid Fire) has not been addressed.

11.0.5. had such high hopes for MM hunters to become both viable and pleasing to play (especially DR). Instead you butchered our spec and people are massively leaving MM or stop playing entirely. So much for a celebration patch.

I’ve been such a fool to prolong my subscription to 12 months back in May 2024. If only I knew what you would do to my spec, I would not even buy TWW, let along prolong my subscription.



November 8, 2024

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Dawnbreaker
    • Resolved an issue causing Arathi Bombs to not be carryable if a player was under the effect of an immunity.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
    • Resolved an issue causing Acid Expulsion pools to be invisible.


  • Newly created Timely Tourist’s gear that is at least at Veteran tier will now be eligible for the Catalyst.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed an issue where players under level 30 could not enter Magisters’ Terrace for Timewalking.
  • Fixed a bug where the low-level version of “A Burning Path Through Time” did not have map markers to turn it in to Cupri in Shattrath.
  • Fixed an issue with the Sha of Anger where an enemy using Mind Control effects could cause you to cast long professions cooldowns such as Sharpen Your Knife or Green Thumb.
  • Blackrock Depths
    • Developer’s note: With the upcoming raid reset, we are reducing enemy damage and health for Normal and Heroic difficulties. We’ve also made additional tuning changes to some of the more lethal bosses within the raid.
    • All enemy health and damage reduced by 10% on Normal difficulty.
    • All enemy health and damage reduced by 12% on Heroic difficulty.
    • Lord Roccor
      • Lord Roccor health reduced by 6% on Normal difficulty.
      • Lord Roccor Health reduced by 12% on Heroic difficulty.
      • Volcanic Upheaval damage reduced by 20% on Heroic difficulty.
    • Lord Incendius
      • Lord Incendius health reduced by 5% on Normal difficulty.
      • Lord Incendius health reduced by 7% on Heroic difficulty.
      • Firewall damage reduced by 20% on Normal and Heroic difficulty.
      • Scorching Wind damage reduced by 15% on Heroic difficulty.
    • Ambassador Flamelash
      • Unstable Portal damage reduced by 20% on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
      • Cremate damage reduced by 11% on Heroic difficulty.