The War Within Hotfixes - 13 February

How about you guys hotfix your attitude towards the people that got their guildbank deleted. Bug fix your empathy levels and delete your corporate slimyness of ignoring us and hoping it goes away.

What makes it even more disturbing, it wouldn’t cost you a thing at all to compensate people, after all its just unlimited digital items… but you rather show us the door… after twenty years.


What she said.

I’m checking patch notes in apparently false hopes that you finally re-tune the numbers for MM hunter to be viable again. Not to mention PvP.


Already wondered why I randomly died. That explains…

But overall the visuals should be much less affected by terrain differences. AoE on stairs? You’ll have to estimate where it all ends. A minor bump? Yep, visuals are now broken halfway through.

This isn’t really limited to Mists and Acid Expulsion.

Same here.

Can you tune BM hunters in PvP already? Before even more people quit your game?

Some specs are still too strong (resp. too weak) in M+. Pls fix.

November 12, 2024


  • Druid
    • Wildshape Mastery bonuses to your next Ferocious Bite or Mangle will now be consumed by abilities cast by Convoke the Spirits.
  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage decreased by 15% in PvP combat.
      • Dark Ranger: Hunter’s Prey now increases the damage of Kill Shot by 5% per stack in PvP combat (was 10%).


  • Anub’vir will no longer be accompanied by two Nerubian Threadmancers, and the damage of Impaling Spikes has been reduced by 30%.

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Necrotic Wake
    • Resolved an issue causing players to get stuck on taxi path of Rimebinder’s Dark Exile.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • The Torch of Pyrreth now reactivates after combat.
  • Fixed an issue causing Ethereal Scavenger’s Shield Bash in Mana-Tombs to inflict too much damage.
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When will you guys care about affliction as much as destruction and demonology?..
As with almost every Xpac since Legion, you don’t care much about it, giving affliction small buffs or giving buffs then removing them in record time…
No way you were expecting that buffing dots would have an impact, compared to buffing shard spending abilities for the other 2 specs.

The Druid change should be Wildpower Surges no? Wildshape mastery has nothing to do with Ferocious bite or Mangle.


November 14, 2024


  • Hunter
    • Extra Tranquilizing Shots from Kodo Tranquilizer will no longer strike targets out of combat.

Player versus Player

  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Resolved an issue causing Judgment to not be castable at totems when talented into Blessed Champion.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Fixed several issues affecting “Pirate Foods and Superstitions”.
  • Fixed an issue with “Pirate Gastronomy” that caused all quantities of the required ingredients to be removed from your inventory. Now, only the quantities needed for the quest are removed, as expected.
  • Due to the horrors of repeated acts of violence at the Anniversary grounds, the Bronze Dragonflight organizers have made it a Sanctuary area. They kindly ask guests to take their conflicts outside the grounds.

Please Blizzard, can you Buff DH … No one Likes to Play this class anymore. No one invites you into keystones as DH. No one Likes dh this season cause rogue ans DK are unbeliveable good. As DH you wont find any Keys in 12+. … Dear Blizzard so smth. Pls.


This is an issue that every melee spec has if you don’t play Enhancer, FDK or Retri (and maybe Assa).

November 18, 2024

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue where honor earned in Deephaul Ravine was not giving quest credit for “Preserving in Battle”.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Historian Ma’di has packaged a few more Timewarped Badges into two new packages to facilitate trading for more Bronze Celebration Tokens.
  • Fixed phasing issues with “A Bird’s Tail” and “Battle Pet Bingo”.
  • The underwater gnomes have removed their elevator for repairs, indefinitely.

Why I cannot report blizzard’s messages for trolling?

Almost month has passed since launch of this fiasco of a patch, countless bugs roam the game (including such serious as frontal / swirls animation delays that cause deaths in m+ and thus ruin timers) class balance is in abysmal state (MM hunter, Brewmaster Monk, Holy priest and couple of other specs are unviable in m+, while ret pala, prot pala, enh shaman and some other specs are overpowered).

No acknowledge of problems on your side and you do these tiny, meaningless to majority of players changes. Isn’t that a trolling?


@Kaivax, please clarify — will it be only for fresh Era Anniversary servers or will fresh Anniversary HC servers also have:

  • Instant mail between characters on the same account
  • The removal of the buff/debuff limit
  • Dual specs

@Kaivax, please clarify — will it be only for fresh Era Anniversary servers or will fresh Anniversary HC servers also have:

  • Instant mail between characters on the same account
  • The removal of the buff/debuff limit
  • Dual specs

This hasn’t actually happened, not even after the reset.

Will there be a fix for the mages who “learned” their tome of polymorph: Mosswool before the hotfix and who then lost the ability to cast it as its no longer in our spell books?

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Here’s today’s hotfixes!

November 20, 2024


  • Hunter
    • Beast Mastery
      • Ik’thik Colossus are a bit less large when tamed.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players who met the Battleground Blitz rating requirement from purchasing Forged Equipment Chest.


  • Weekly Timewalking quests now require level 30 to drop item rewards.
    • Developers’ notes: Players from level 10-29 are still able to engage with Timewalking, however, we do not want to incentivize creating a character for one run and then deleting the character.

WoW’s 20th Anniversary

  • Ratts’ Revenge
    • Fixed an issue where statues would follow you without a rope.
    • Fixed an issue where the “Hear” puzzle could be solved by an unintended bug. Characters who already received the reward for this puzzle will keep their progress, but other characters will need to figure out the intended solution.
    • Ratts’ password is now present.
    • The “Light of Love” is now more accepting.

November 25, 2024


  • Grim Batol
    • Fixed a Forgemaster Throngus issue where Fiery Flurry can be cancelled using line of sight.

WoW's 20th Anniversary

  • Made several adjustments and improvements to Guest Relations and Ratts' Revenge.
    • A curious brazier belonging to Zarhym was discovered in Ratts' lair.
    • Six additional pets are now considered secret pets.
    • Resetting the enigma machine now resets connected devices.
    • The Spirits of Collection are now more accepting.
    • Fixed an issue where a shadowy Spirit of Collection was not visible after satisfying all spirits.
    • Treasure of the Wardens can now be looted by any party member.
    • Faithful Dog is now considered a dog.
    • All-Seeing Eyes now count as a gift of the old gods.
    • All devices in Ratts' lair got a good kick. They had it coming.