The War Within New Login Screen

According to Wowhead and different sources, the new war within login screen has been revealed.

Can I honestly say that this is such a disappointment? Previous login screens gave a glimpse of the expansion theme, mood and atmosphere. This one comes over as if we’re about to enter Hearthstone.

Change it please.

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The login screen in question:

The login screen in DF was something special, yes. But to be honest, I like that simplistic login screen that we seem to be getting. But who knows, might be only a working draft or something.
Either way, I’m ok with this one, but also with a different one. In the end it is only the login screen. You don’t even enter your login there anymore when you’re starting the game from the “App”

For me I still remember the Cata login screen. Now that was epic I think

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I agree that it feels bland. I really hope they do change it a bit.